[Retros] Solutions Orbit July 2005
Ivan Denkovski
idenkovs at on.net.mk
Wed Aug 17 13:22:27 EDT 2005
Unfortunately, both originals from Orbit 27 (July 2005) have been cooked.
1619. Frank Müller
1.e4 f5 2.Bc4 f4 3.Ne2 f3 4.OO fxe2 5.h4 exd1=Q 6.h5 Qxd2 7.h6 Qxc1 8.hxg7
Qxb1 9.gxh8=R Qxa1 10.Rxh7 Qxf1+ 11.Kxf1 Nh6 12.Ke1 Nf7 13.Rh1
A shorter solution (found by Mario Richter):
1.e4 h5 2.Qxh5 Nf6 3.Qxh8 Nd5 4.Nc3 Nxc3 5.Rb1 Nxb1 6.Qxg7 Nxd2 7.Nf3 Nxf3+
8.Kd1 Nxh2 9.Bg5 Nf3 10.Bc4 Nxg5 11.Qxf7+ Nxf7 12.Ke1
1620. Nicolas Dupont
1.h4 e5 2.h5 e4 3.h6 e3 4.hxg7 h5 5.a4 h4 6.a5 h3 7.a6 h2 8.axb7 Rh3
9.bxc8=N Rg3 10.fxg3 exd2+ 11.Kf2 a5 12.e4 a4 13.e5 a3 14.e6 a2 15.e7 Ra3
16.exf8=N Rb3 17.cxb3 d5 18.Qc2 d1=B 19.Ng6 Bg4 20.Be2 d4 21.Bf3 d3 22.Ne2
d2 23.Re1 dxc1=B 24.Nd2 h1=R 25.Nf1 Rh8 26.Nh4 Bh6 27.Rad1 Ne7 28.g8=Q+ Bf8
29.Qg5 a1=R 30.Qgc1 Ra8 31.Na7 Bc8
Cook (found by Gerd Wilts):
1.f4 d5 2.f5 d4 3.f6 d3 4.fxe7 dxc2 5.d4 b5 6.d5 b4 7.d6 b3 8.axb3 g5 9.Kf2
g4 10.exf8=N g3+ 11.hxg3 h5 12.e4 h4 13.Be2 h3 14.Bf3 h2 15.Ne2 Ba6 16.Re1
h1=Q 17.Ng6 Qg5 18.Nh4 Qh3 19.e5 Qc8 20.d7+ Kf8 21.e6 Kg7 22.dxc8=N Qxc1
23.Nxa7 Qd2 24.e7 Qd8 25.e8=Q c1=B 26.Qc2 Bh6 27.Qe3 Kf8 28.Nd2 Ne7 29.Nf1
Ke8 30.Rad1 Bf8 31.Qec1 Bc8
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