[Retros] Two e.p. problems in one? Yefim 01/30/2005

TregerYefim at aol.com TregerYefim at aol.com
Sun Jan 30 09:59:37 EST 2005

Hello from Yefim! 01/30/2005
Please check legality the following position (diagram) and stipulation.

nrb1bkn1/1p1n1p1p/1P1P1P1P/1PpKpP2/2P1P3/8/8/8 w

How many moves does White have here?
How many previous Black's moves were?
I think this diagram represent two different positions with strict previous
and following moves, which are double step moves and e.p. moves.
Some sort of e.p. problem which we discussed last year? How better to express

Yefim 01/30/2005
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