[Retros] fide 01-03

Thierry LE GLEUHER thierry.le_gleuher at club-internet.fr
Mon Jul 4 04:01:17 EDT 2005

Dear Valery
For Fide correspondence, my actual post address remain available for the
moment. I will inform you when the new one will be available.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Valery Liskovets" <liskov at im.bas-net.by>
To: "Thierry LE GLEUHER" <thierry.le_gleuher at club-internet.fr>
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: changes

> Dear Thierry,


> What about your post address for the FIDE-Album correspondence?


> Best wishes,

> Valery Liskovets


>> Due to home move, my e at mail address will be unserviceable after the

>> 06/07/2005I will confirm a new address at the end of july.



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