[Retros] Summer 2005 proof game tournament.
Christoph Fieberg
christoph at fieberg.com
Tue Sep 20 19:03:43 EDT 2005
Dear Nicolas,
please find enclosed my entry - I hope it is not too late:
SPG in 9.0 moves - Christoph Fieberg - 20.09.2005 - C+
rn1qk1nr/Rp1pp1pp/8/5p2/P7/8/1PPPPPPP/1NBQKBNR w Kkq - 0 10
Visible part is that both black bishops must have
been captured on their home squares (c8, f8).
Unvisible part is the round trip of the black
King (e8-f7-e6-d6-c7-d8-e8) and the switchback of the black Queen (d8-a5-d8).
1.a4 f5 2.Ra3 Kf7 3.Rc3 Ke6 4.Rxc7 Kd6 5.Rxc8 Qa5
6.Rxf8 Kc7 7.Rf6 Kd8 8.Ra6 Ke8 9.Rxa7 Qd8
Best regards,
Christoph Fieberg
Kardinal-Schulte-Str. 35
51429 Bergisch Gladbach
At 20:50 20.06.2005, you wrote:
>Dear retro friends,
>I'm glad to announce, 2 years after the first one, my second informal pg
>The constraint is to show a game presenting both a "visible" and an
>"invisible" theme. No fairy condition is allowed.
>You have to send your entries to christian.poisson at free.fr before
>September 21, with the mention "summer tournament" and also if it is C+ or
>Christian will return me anonymously each problem, and my jugement will
>appear in the "retro mailing list" at the end of the year.
>Thematic exemple 1. Rustam Ubaidullaev, Problemesis 2002
>pg in 7,5 C+
>Solution :
>1.é3 b6 2.Df3 Fa6 3.D×a8 Fb7 4.g3 F×h1 5.Dé4 F×é4 6.ç3 F×b1 7.Fd3 F×d3 8.a3
>The nice final white structure is the visible part, and the tempo Ba6-Bb7
>the invisible one.
>Thematic exemple 2. Eric Pichouron and Nicolas Dupont, Problemesis 2003
>pg in 19. C+.
>Solution :
>1.b4 a5 2.b5 Ca6 3.b×a6 b5 4.é4 Fb7 5.é5 F×g2 6.Fb2 Fh3 7.Fg2 ç5 8.Fb7 d5
>9.Fç3 Dd6 10.é×d6 é5 11.d7 Ré7 12.d8=T Rf6 13.Tb8 Fç8 14.Ch3 Rf5 15.Tg1
>Ré4 16.Tg6 f5 17.Tf6 g5 18.Dh5 Fg7 19.Df7 h5
>The visible part is here that lign 7 translates to lign 5. The invisible
>one is twice : translation goes into alphabetic order, and Bc8 makes a
>rectangle circuit.
>Have fun composing !
>Best wishes.
>Nicolas Dupont.
>PS : I didn't try to make completely unambigous the terms "visible" and
>"invisible". And my jugement will be much more based on my own feeling,
> rather than "scientific". A apologize for that.
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>Retros at janko.at
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