[Retros] 50 moves rule
CAILLAUDM at aol.com
CAILLAUDM at aol.com
Wed Dec 27 14:05:46 EST 2006
Explanation is sketched in an article by Nikita Plaksin in problem 188-193
(1979), and certainly can be found in other places.
(Approximative (I was not there!) historical background, not in the article :
60 years ago, there was no "world organization" for composers;
the structures we know today were initiated under the impulse of the great
yugoslav composer Nenad Petrovic; he was the man who made the first FIDE
Albums and ran the magazine "problem" that later became "organe officiel de la
C.P.C.E. de F.I.D.E."; he organized the first international meeting of
problemists in Piran (now in Croatia) in 1958;
a commission elaborated there a Codex for composition; and since on this
historical occasion composers world emancipated from players world, some
differences can be found on some points between Codex for composers and Codex for
In his article "50x50" which consists in 50 originals retros (!!!) featuring
50 moves rule, Nikita Plaksin makes the distinction between "Codex FIDE" and
"Codex Piran". From what I understand from russian, the main distinction is
castling that plays the same role than capture or pawn move in "Piran" but
not in "FIDE".
In his article, NP counts 11 problems correct under "Codex FIDE" only
(otherwise the problem would be cooked by an early retraction of castling), 6
problems correct under "Codex Piran" only (the critical move is castling) and 33
problems correct under both Codexes.
But...the commission(s) works every year and there are some evolutions in
the Codex(es).
If we refer to the book by Wolfgang Dittmann ("Der Blick zurück"), published
this year and now the up-to-date reference for retros, the updated rules for
composition are now to be found in "Codex Pula" (1997) (see p.73-74).
>From what I understand from german, there seems to be no more mention of the
"Piran" castling, but there is still an important distinction between the
"Codex Pula" and the FIDE rules "for players", interesting to know. It concerns
both the 50 moves rule and the three-times repetition of a position.
In the "Laws of Chess" the draw occurs "upon a correct claim by the player
having the move".
In "Codex Pula", the draw occurs automatically after completion of the
theoretically drawing move.
There may be some difference in results (maybe not ?!...always my german) :
I see no specific mention of the case where the 100th "no pawn, no capture"
single move is a mate.
So in the Thema Danicum problem by Tom with black to play :
black is mating under "Codex FIDE"
the position is automatically drawn before black can capture wK under "Codex
Pula" (??!).
And this other position by Tom (1st Prize Rex Multiplex 1983 Draw) :
would be illegal under "Codex Pula" but legal under "Codex FIDE" (players
simply "forgot" to claim the draw!).
Dans un e-mail daté du 24/12/2006 08:45:16 Europe de l'Ouest,
afretro at yandex.ru a écrit :
Hello to all,
Some 30 years ago Nikita Plaksin published in Shakhmaty v SSSR a small
article in which he wrote that, according to the (then) recently adopted new
version of 50-moves remis rule, castling was proclaimed to play the same part as
pawn move or capture. For decades I was convinced that this was indeed so;
moreover, FIDE Album 1992-1994 contains problem H19 from S. and Y. Volobuyev
(not Volibiev, as in the Album) which is based on the above-mentioned
interpretation of the 50-moves rule. Then I discovered that this interpretation is not
present in any legal documents. Makes one wonder where that rumor originated
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it, and a happy New Year to every
member of the Retro Corner!
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