[Retros] 8th row mates by knight promotion
Hirokaz ONODA
glkoon at yahoo.co.jp
Sun Dec 31 07:59:23 EST 2006
Hi Mario,
> rnbqrN2/ppppk1Qp/3b4/4pp2/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RNB1KBNR
> 1. Pe2-e4 Pf7-f5 2. Pe4-e5 Ng8-f6 3.
> Pe5xf6 Pe7-e5
> 4. Qd1-g4 Bf8-d6 5. Pf6-f7 Ke8-e7 6.
> Qg4xg7 Rh8-e8
> 7. Pf7-f8=N
This game does not belong to "Single checkmates by the
promoted piece".
I record it in the new section:
"Discovered checkmates which cannot be converted into a
double-checkmate by the change of the very last move"
> rBbq1bnr/Q1kp1ppp/n1p1p3/8/8/8/PP1PPPPP/RNB1KBNR
> 1. Pc2-c4 Pe7-e6 2. Pc4-c5 Ke8-e7 3.
> Pc5-c6 Ke7-d6
> 4. Pc6xb7 Pc7-c6 5. Qd1-a4 Kd6-c7 6.
> Qa4xa7 Nb8-a6
> 7. Pb7-b8=B
The same game is already seen in the previous summary of
"Pawn to-the-8th-rank mates
(2) Double checkmates." It's my game.
> rnb1qbBr/pppp1k1Q/5p1p/8/8/8/PPP1PPPP/RNB1KBNR
> 1. Pd2-d4 Pe7-e5 2. Pd4xe5 Ng8-f6 3.
> Pe5xf6 Ph7-h6
> 4. Pf6xg7 Pf7-f6 5. Qd1-d3 Ke8-f7 6.
> Qd3-h7 Qd8-e8
> 7. Pg7-g8=B
It's a double checkmate.
7. g8Q## too.
Amici Sumus,
Yahoo! JAPAN Search Word Ranking 2006
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