[Retros] total homebase mate - task DEFINITION / CORRECTION
raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
Sat Oct 21 15:36:20 EDT 2006
Sorry. I made a mistake in my previous mail.
There is no bishop mate position on the homesquare short diagonal, so there are
just 11 record cases. I'he also inproved one example.
Here is the the complete presentation,
PG diagram showing a mate position where the mateing side has its 8 officers
at homesquare and the remaining pawns at homesquare too. Standard material
a: homebase mateing side missing pawns
b: PG single moves
c: other side missing pieces
The task asks for economy so a, b and c have to be minimyzed but in order, say
minmimum a, after that b and finally c. A PG is evaluated as (a, b, c). There are
11 different record cases based on the checking piece and the checking line,
R(h) - mate by rook on (h) row
R(a) - mate by rook on (a) row
B(c) - mate by c1/c8 bishop
B(f) - mate by f1/f8 bishop
Qld - mate by queen on its homesquare long diagonal
Qsd - mate by queen on its homesquare short diagonal
Q(d) - mate by queen on (d) row.
N(b)K(a) - mate by knight from its b1/b8 homesquare and oposite king on a3/a6
nNb)Kc) - mate by knight from its b1/b8 homesquare and oposite king on c3/c6
N(g)K(f) - mate by knight from its g1/g8 homesquare and oposite king on f3/f6
N(g)K(h)- mate by knight from its g1/g8 homesquare and oposite king on h3/h6
With the examples here included the present status is,
b(c) - (2, 24, 1)
r(h) -(2, 22, 1)
r(a) -(2, 28, 1)
Some other one? Some more economicall?
28 single moves. 15 + 14 C+
1.Pc2-c4 Ph7-h5 2.Qd1-b3 Ph5-h4 3.Qb3-g3 Ph4-h3
4.Pd2-d3 Ph3xg2 5.Ph2-h4 Pa7-a6 6.Sg1-h3 Pg2-g1=S
7.Ke1-d2 Sg1-f3 8.Kd2-c3 Sf3-d4 9.Kc3-b4 Sd4-b5
10.Sb1-c3 Sb5-a7 11.Ra1-b1 Pa6-a5 12.Kb4xa5 Sb8-a6
13.Pb2-b4 Sa7-b5 14.Pc4xb5 Sa6-b8
22 single moves. 15 + 14 C+
1.Pf2-f4 Ph7-h5 2.Ke1-f2 Sg8-h6 3.Kf2-g3 Ph5-h4
4.Kg3xh4 Pd7-d5 5.Pg2-g3 Pd5-d4 6.Bf1-g2 Pd4-d3
7.Qd1-f1 Pd3xe2 8.Pd2-d4 Pe2-e1=Q 9.Bc1-e3 Qe1-a5
10.Be3-f2 Qa5-g5 11.Pf4xg5 Sh6-g8
24 single moves. 15 + 14 C+
1.Pc2-c4 Pe7-e5 2.Pc4-c5 Pe5-e4 3.Pc5-c6 Pe4-e3
4.Pf2xe3 Bf8-a3 5.Ke1-f2 Ba3xb2 6.Kf2-g3 Bb2-a3
7.Bc1-b2 Pd7-d5 8.Bb2-e5 Sb8-d7 9.Kg3-h3 Pd5-d4
10.Be5-g3 Pd4-d3 11.Pe2xd3 Ba3-f8 12.Sg1-e2 Sd7-b8
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