[Retros] serieshelpstalemate (Mauldon Rules)

Alexander George ageorge at amherst.edu
Sun Apr 29 10:48:42 EDT 2007

Alexander George and J.G. Mauldon
Variant Chess, 1992


(a) diagram
(b) rotate 180 degrees
Which is a sound serieshelpstalemate in 7? (Mauldon Rules)

Definition of Mauldon Rules (by recursion):

(1) A sound serieshelpstalemate in 1:

- in the diagram position Black may move;
- Black makes one move (according to the power of the pieces) leading
to a position in which White may move;
- White makes one move stalemating Black.

(2) A sound serieshelpstalemate in n:

- in the diagram position Black may move;
- Black makes one move (according to the power of the pieces) leading
to a serieshelpstalemate in n-1.

Using Mauldon Rules (so named by me -- Jim never used the term!), a
serieshelpstalemate in 1 coincides with a standard
serieshelpstalemate in 1. But this is not the case for longer
serieshelpstalemates. (I don't know of any other problems like this
-- have there been?)

I've posted the problem on http://ChessProblem.net . You can find
the solution there:



Alexander George
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