[Retros] Codex of Chess Composition (was: Another Update of the Retro Corner)

liskov at im.bas-net.by liskov at im.bas-net.by
Thu Jan 4 12:58:35 EST 2007

Dear Otto,

Otto Janko <otto at janko.at> wrote:

> As I wrote: >It is taken from "Problem"<. Unfortunately, Andrej could not

> provide the issue number or a publication date.

Are you sure that the _final English_ text of the Piran Codex was publshed
in "Problem"? Well possibly, but more probably in "The Problemist".

> Thomas Maeder wrote a few days ago: "The current codex replaced the Piran

> codex of 1958. Part I was accepted at the PCCC meeting in Rotterdam in 1991

> and Part II in Portoroz 1997. There were no intermediate codex versions."


> Obviously you disagree, there was an intermediate version of the codex

> agreed on 1973. Can you provide the text changes agreed in Imola?

I disagree only in essence but I think I have never heard on a _formal_
intermediate version of the codex (Piran+Imola), nor even on a formal text
of Imola's decisions (e.g., in EG35 (p.53) it is only pointed out that in
Imola, "revisions of the 1958 Piran Codex with respect to retrograde analysis
were adopted").

> > > - Codex for Chess Composition 1991/1997

> > > - Codex for Chess Composition 1958

> >

> > A useful supplement to the Retro Corner!

> >

> > My English and Russian texts of the old Codex are in accordance

> > with each other. The latter, presumably published in Novi Temi, is

> > somewhat imperfect. Unfortunately, they both DIFFER from the text

> > in EG29 and from the German text of the Piran Codex displayed by

> > Otto (by wording, section titles, numbers, etc.).


> Should I delete the Russian text?

No, I don't have objections against the Russian text Codex1958.jpeg
in your document "Codex for Chess Composition 1958". Btw, it contains
(in art.5) requirements for castling and e.p. capturing initially to be
admitted in studies, with no mention of the AP-legalization right. Its
Russian is well; there are, however, numerous (easily fixable) misprints.


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