[Retros] Phénix 135 solutions
t.legleuher at sentoo.sn
Thu Jan 4 18:21:11 EST 2007
Dear retro friends
There are Phénix 135 solutions
4733. Michael GRUSHKO
1.d4 e5 2.Kd2 exd4=N 3.Ke3 Nxe2=B 4.Nd2=P Bxd1=R 5.Ne2=P Rxc1=Q 6.Rxc1=Q
Ne7=P 7.Qd1=R
*4734. Christoph FIEBERG
Author solution: 1.h4 f6 2.h5 Kf7 3.h6 Kg6 4.Rh5 Kxh5 5.a4 Kxh6 6.Ra3 Kg6
7.Rh3 Kf7 8.Rh1 Ke8 (C+ in 8,0 moves!).
But cooked in 7,0 moves : 1.a3 f6 2.a4 Nh6 3.Ra3 Ng4 4.Rh3 Nxh2 5.Na3 Ng4
6.Rh6 Nxh6 7.Nb1 Ng8
4735. Paul RAICAN
Try: 1.a4 h5 2.Ra3 Nf6 3.Rd3 Ne4 4.Rxd7 Nxd2 5.e4 Rh6 6.e5 Rf6 7.exf6 Kxd7
8.fxe7 Ke6 9.e8=N Nc4 10.Qd6+ Ke6g4 11.Nxc7 Nb6 12.Nxa8 Nxa8 13.Qa3
Ceriani-Frolkin, but 10.Qd6? is self check!!
Solution: 1.a4 h5 2.Ra3 Rh6 3.Rd3 Re6 4.Rxd7 Rxe2+ 5.Qxe2 Kxd7 6.Qxe7+ Kd7g4
7.Qa3 Qxd2+ 8.Ke1e8 Nf6+ 9.Ke8xc7 Nd5+ 10.Kc7xa8 Nb6+ 11.Ka8c7 Na8+ 12.Kc7e8
Qd8+ 13.Ke8e1.
wK pattern and switchback (bQ).
4736. Michael GRUSHKO
1.Nc3 Nf6 2.Ne4 Nd5 3.Nf6+ Ke8d6 4.Rb1 Qe8 5.Nxe8+ Kd6c4 6.e3+ Kc4xa2 7.Qg4
Kxb1 8.Ke2 Kxc1 9.Kf3 Kd1 10.Ke4+ Ke1 11.Kd4 Nc6+ 12.Kd4b3 Nd4+ 13.Kb3c1
4737. Eric PICHOURON
1.Nf3 Nc6 2.Ne5 Nd4 3.Nxd7 Nxe2 4.Nb8 Ng3 5.hxg3 Nf6 6.Rh6 Nh5 7.Rb6 axb6
8.Qg4 Ra3 9.f3 Rb3 10.axb3 e5 11.Ra8 Ba3 12.Qb4 Bg4 13.Nd7 f5 14.Bb5 Kf7
15.c4 Qh4 16.Nf6 Re8 17.Bd7 Re6 18.Rh8 g5 19.Ng8 Rf6 20.Bc8 (C+)
Screens with white Knight
4738. Paul RAICAN
1.d4 c5 2.d5 c4 3.d6 exd6(white) 4.Qd5 Qh4 5.Qc6 d×c6(w) 6.d7+ Ke7 7.d8=B+
Kd6 8.Bf6 bxc6(w) 9.c7 Be6 10.c8=N+ Kc5 11.Ne7 gxf6(w) 12.Ng6 fxg6(w) 13.f7
hxg6(w) 14.g7 Nf6 15.g8=Q Bh6 16.Qd8 Re8 17.f8=R Bg8 18.Qd1 Re6 19.Rd8 c3
20.Rd2 cxd2(w)
AUW => 3 x Ceriani-Frolkin (NBR) et 1 x Phoenix-Pronkin (Q).
4739. Pascal WASSONG
This problem shows how to resolve a tempo question.
First try showing a tempo problem, in despite of 3 free Blacks moves:
1.d4 Na6 2.Qd2 c6 3.Qf4 Nh6 4.Qc7 Nf5 5.Qxc8 Nh4 6.Qc7 Qb8 7.Qa5 Qg3 8.Bh6
Qf3 9.gxf3 Nc7 10.Bh3 OOO 11.Bf5 Nd5 12.Nh3 Nf6 13.Rg1 Ng8 14.Rg6... 15.Re6
g6 16.Nd2 Bg7 17.OOO Be5 18.Bf8 Bg3 19.f4 ... 20.Nf3 ... 21.Qe1
Second try: Black plays a tempo with Queen at the beginning:
1.d4 Na6 2.Qd2 c6 3.Qf4 Qb6 4.Qb8 Qc7 5.Qxc8+ Qd8 6.Qc7 Qb8 7.Qa5 Qg3 8.Bh6
Qf3 9.gxf3 Nc7 10.Bh3 OOO 11.Bf5 Nd5 12.Nh3 Nf4 13.Rg1.... 14.Rg6 ... 15.Re6
g6 16.Nd2 Bg7 17.OOO Be5 18.Bf8 Ng2 19.f4 Nh4 20.Nf3 Be5g3?? 21.Qe1
at 13th move, Black cant play never Ng2 nor Ng6. 20th move is obviously
Third try: All moves are legal but one Blacks move is missing! :
1.d4 Na6 2.Qd2 c6 3.Qf4 Qb6 4.Qb8 Qc7 5.Qxc8+ Qd8 6.Qc7 Qb8 7.Qa5 Qg3 8.Bh6
Qf3 9.gxf3 Nc7 10.Bh3 OOO 11.Bf5 Nd5 12.Nh3 Nf4 13.Rg1... 14.Rg6 ... 15.Re6
g6 16.Nd2 Bg7 17.OOO Bf6 18.Bf8 Ng2 19.f4 Bh4 20.Nf3 Bg3 21.Qe1 Nh4??
Solution :
1.d4 Nc6 2.Qd2 Ne5 3.Qa5 c6 4.Qc7 Ng6 5.Qxc8 Nh4 6.Qc7 Qb8 7.Qa5 Qg3 8.Bh6
Qf3 9.gxf3 Rc8 10.Bh3 Rc7 11.Bf5 Kd8 12.Nh3 Kc8 13.Rg1 Kb8 14.Rg6 Rc8 15.Re6
g6 16.Nd2 Bg7 17.OOO Be5 18.Bf8 Bg3 19.f4 Rd8 20.Nf3 Kc8 21.Qe1
Black perform an artificial OOO in 8 moves (record) for tempo reason.
Peter WONG - rnb2rk1/pp1ppp2/5p2/1n6/4PP1R/2N4p/1PPP2PP/1NBQKB1R (SPG in
15,5 moves) - British Chess Magazine, 1996, 2nd-6th place (n°P0008650 in
with OOO :
Peter WONG - 1n2kbnr/1qppp1p1/pp6/1r6/4b2p/P1P3PN/P2PPPR1/2KR1B2 (SPG in
18,0 moves) - Die Schwalbe, 2000, (n°P1000258 in PDB).
4740. Andrey FROLKIN & Yuri LEBEDEV
Rétro : 1.Na4-c5# e6-e5 2.f3xNe4 Ng5-e4 3.h5-h6 Nh3-g5 4.h4-h5 Ng1-h3
5.h3-h4 g2-g1=N 6.h2-h3 h3xNg2 7.Ne3-g2 h4-h3 8.Nd1-e3 h5-h4 9.Nb2-d1 h6-h5
10.Nd1xRb2 Ra2-b2 11.Ne3-d1 Rb2-a2 12.Nf5-e3 Ra2-b2 13.Nd4-f5 Rb2-a2
14.Nb3-d4 Ra2-b2 15.Qa1-b1 e7-e6 16.Kb1-c1 h7-h6 17.Nc1-b3 Rd1-d2 18.d2-d3
Rg1-d1 19.Nd3-c1 Rg5-g1+
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