[Retros] Last move Type D - record list 12.03.2007

Mario Richter mri_two at t-online.de
Mon Mar 12 08:54:08 EDT 2007

Dear retro fans,

it seems that I can't give you the list without
making at least one error.

This time Roberto and Jorge were the victims:

> 0-0/PxQ/23|8/p2pppp1/8/5p2/6P1/2PPkPPB/1PrR1RPr/2Bn1RK1

> |Roberto Osorio & Jorge Lois|rml 12.03.2007 (rcv:11.03.2007)

There has to be a black bishop on c1, so the correct entry is:

|Roberto Osorio & Jorge Lois|rml 12.03.2007 (rcv:11.03.2007)



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