[Retros] last move type D / Chameleon captures
raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
Fri Mar 23 08:29:48 EDT 2007
Hi Mario,
LMD is a too large universe to keep it conceptually under control. Groups like DD and
up to 12 pieces are suitable definitions to work on understandable areas and follow up
the progress.
We have been foccused in a subgroup that could be defined as "chameleon capture":
colour change after the capture move (BxB, PxR=R, etc). Doing this, we found that no
examples with QxQ were available and we compossed the QxQ/P-=B/21 case (was it
An interesting subgroup is the Type DD chameleon capture. there are nine cases,
* Simple capture, PxP, NxN, BxB, RxR, QxQ
* Promoting capture, PxN=N, PxB=B, PxR=R, PxQ=Q
Just NxN and PxR=R are already available (we failed with the PxN=N case but still trying).
We found a 3rd case,
Roberto Osorio & Jorge Lois
BxB/BxB/27 7n/ppp1pp1p/2p3p1/8/8/2PPPP2/1PRQqrP1/kBRNnrbK
Hope it's correct.
There are no even single (nonDD) PxP example. Any voluntary?
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