[Retros] last move type D / PxN=N/PxN=N case

raosorio at fibertel.com.ar raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
Sun Mar 25 07:50:46 EDT 2007

Hi Mario,

We kept working on this case and I think we got a really nice position, an initial array
looking one,

Roberto Osorio & Jorge Lois
PxN=N/PxN=N/24 1Nrkqb2/1pppppp1/p7/8/8/7P/1PPPPPP1/2BRKQn1

This is the 4th chameleon capture Type DD case showing an example (nine theorical cases).

Going on with the chameleon capture examples (non DD) , we found that no one had been
compossed to show PxQ=Q. We got the following,

Jorge Lois & Roberto Osorio
K-/PxQ=Q/21 8/pppp1Pp1/4p3/8/8/2P2PP1/1PPkPK1P/NRRq3q


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