[Retros] Castling rights

TregerYefim at aol.com TregerYefim at aol.com
Wed Oct 24 18:15:03 EDT 2007

Answer to the problem.
"Create a position (White to move) with all castling rights (1111=KQkq),
after White's move all castling right will be lost (0000)."

1. It is, of course, any
position with castling rights, with mate (stalemate) move. I forgot to add:
White's move is not mate (stalemate).
2.If it is not a mate (stalemate), then a possible position is below (Ryan's
example is good too; but with promoted pieces);

r3k2r/8/3Qn3/4q3/p1p2p1p/P1Pp1P1P/P2PB2P/RN2K1NR w KQkq
White's move is 1.Qe7
Yefim 10/24/2007

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