[Retros] Die Schwalbe Heft 234, Nov-Dec 2008

Joost de Heer joost at sanguis.xs4all.nl
Tue Dec 2 08:08:57 EST 2008

This issue starts with a long article by Günther Weeth about
(de-)legalizing moves in anticirce proca retractors.

One original in this article:

Günther Weeth
7B/7p/3s3k/6P1/b4pK1/3pp3/2PP1bSP/7R (8+8)

| | . | | . | | . | | B |


| . | | . | | . | | . |*P |


| | . | |*S | | . | |*K |


| . | | . | | . | | P | |


|*B | . | | . | |*P | K | . |


| . | | . |*P |*P | | . | |


| | . | P | P | |*B | S | P |


| . | | . | | . | | . | R |

-6 & s#1, Proca, Anticirce

-1. Rh1xBd1[+wRh1]! (Delegalises -3. .. Kg7-h6 by blocking the path of
the white rook to c1) Sc8-d6+ -2. Re1xQe2[+wRh1] (Legalises the next
white move by blocking the rebirth square) Qf1-e2+ -3. Kh5-g4 (-3. ..
Kg7-h6? Rc1-e1??) Be8-a4 -4. Kh4-h5 Bg1-f2 -5. Kg3-h4 f5-f4 -6. Sf4-g2 &
1. h4+ Bh2#

And there's an article about the Schwalbe meeting in Oestrich-Winkel (4
oct 2008). There was a composition tourney with theme "At least one
fairy battery with rear piece king, knight or pawn is fired".

Battery: "Piece X (front piece) moves, which results in a check by piece
Y (rear piece)".

Klaus Wenda
Hon. mention Oestrich-Winkel 2008
s1s5/5S1S/4k3/8/8/4p1p1/3r2K1/1Q2b3 (4+7)

|*S | . |*S | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | S | . | S |


| | . | | . |*K | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | |*P | |*P | |


| | . | |*R | | . | K | . |


| . | Q | . | |*B | | . | |

-5 & #1, Proca, Anticirce

-1. Kf2-g2 e2-e1=B -2. Sd8-f7 Kf7-e6 -3. Kf1-f2 Kg8-f7 -4. Se6-d8 Rd8-d2
-5. Sf6-h7 & 1. Qh7#

And the usual stuff (13940 may be misprinted, since white is in check in
diagram B) :

13940 - Arno Tüngler
A: ss1b4/p3P3/2PrRr2/ssrkBRP1/1Kb2q2/P2PrP2/1r6/1Bs3b1 (11+16)
B: ss6/4P3/2PrRr2/2rkBRP1/1Kb2q2/P2PrP2/1r6/1Bs3b1 (11+12)
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

|*S |*S | |*B | | . | | . | |*S |*S | | . | | . | | . |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

|*P | | . | | P | | . | | | . | | . | | P | | . | |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| | . | P |*R | R |*R | | . | | | . | P |*R | R |*R | | . |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

|*S |*S |*R |*K | B | R | P | | | . | |*R |*K | B | R | P | |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| | K |*B | . | |*Q | | . | | | K |*B | . | |*Q | | . |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| P | | . | P |*R | P | . | | | P | | . | P |*R | P | . | |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| |*R | | . | | . | | . | | |*R | | . | | . | | . |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

| . | B |*S | | . | |*B | | | . | B |*S | | . | |*B | |

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
ser-A->B 320

13941 - Thierry le Gleuher
k4b1s/pppRpp1b/3p2p1/5pK1/5P1S/3P1P1B/PPP2PPB/4Sr2 (14+13)

|*K | . | | . | |*B | |*S |


|*P |*P |*P | R |*P |*P | . |*B |


| | . | |*P | | . |*P | . |


| . | | . | | . |*P | K | |


| | . | | . | | P | | S |


| . | | . | P | . | P | . | B |


| P | P | P | . | | P | P | B |


| . | | . | | S |*R | . | |

#1 (Who?)

13942 - Roberto Osorio, Jorge Joaquin Lois
rs4s1/p2Q2pp/p1p1p1k1/2p1Pp2/8/b1PB1b2/P1P2BPP/RS2K1SR (14+14)

|*R |*S | | . | | . |*S | . |


|*P | | . | Q | . | |*P |*P |


|*P | . |*P | . |*P | . |*K | . |


| . | |*P | | P |*P | . | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


|*B | | P | B | . |*B | . | |


| P | . | P | . | | B | P | P |


| R | S | . | | K | | S | R |

Proofgame in 20.0

13943 - Bernd Gräfrath
r1b2bsr/pp4pp/8/4s3/4p3/8/PPPPPP2/RSBQR1S1 (12+11)

|*R | . |*B | . | |*B |*S |*R |


|*P |*P | . | | . | |*P |*P |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | |*S | | . | |


| | . | | . |*P | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| P | P | P | P | P | P | | . |


| R | S | B | Q | R | | S | |

Proofgame in 10.5 (Losing chess)

13944 - Bernd Gräfrath
2b1kbsr/1pp1pppp/8/8/8/2Pq1Q2/PP2PPPP/RSBrKBSR (15+13)

| | . |*B | . |*K |*B |*S |*R |


| . |*P |*P | |*P |*P |*P |*P |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | P |*Q | . | Q | . | |


| P | P | | . | P | P | P | P |


| R | S | B |*R | K | B | S | R |

Proofgame in 9.0 (Bichromatic chess)
b) Qd3->d6

13945 - Unto Heinonen
RSBQKBSR/1pp2ppk/7s/3p3s/8/1P3P2/P1PP3P/8 (14+8)

| R | S | B | Q | K | B | S | R |


| . |*P |*P | | . |*P |*P |*K |


| | . | | . | | . | |*S |


| . | | . |*P | . | | . |*S |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | P | . | | . | P | . | |


| P | . | P | P | | . | | P |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |

Proofgame in 16.0 (Mirror-anticirce)

13946 - Günther Weeth
Dedicated to Jürgen Bischoff (+ 4.6.08)
1q2R3/BP5r/k4p2/p7/2P1B3/2PKp3/p3p3/4S2R (9+8)

| |*Q | | . | R | . | | . |


| B | P | . | | . | | . |*R |


|*K | . | | . | |*P | | . |


|*P | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | P | . | B | . | | . |


| . | | P | K |*P | | . | |


|*P | . | | . |*P | . | | . |


| . | | . | | S | | . | R |

-3 & s#1, Proca, Anticirce

13947 - Alain Brobecker
Find the unique game in monochromatic chess that ends with 5. Qc6-e8#

13948 - Alain Brobecker
Find the unique game in monochromatic chess that ends with 5. .. Be7xPd6#

13949 - Werner Keym
Find an illegal cluster with wKRPPPP/wK. In one of the sub-positions
that arise when a piece is removed, the last 2 single moves are exactly

13950 - Werner Keym
Find an illegal cluster with both kings and a white piece, in which the
distance of the kings to their original squares is second-largest.

Fairy definitions and examples:
Mirror-anticirce: The capturing piece is reborn on the anticirce rebirth
square of the opposite colour (e.g., in anticirce, a white bishop
capturing on d3 is reborn on f1, in Mirror-anticirce it is reborn on c8).
Bichromatic chess: The departure- and arrivalsquare of a move must be on
a differently coloured square. E.g. bishops can't move, pawn captures
and castling are illegal. Checks are 'fairy', e.g. wRd8 bKf8 isn't
check, but white can deliver check with 1. Ra8.
Monochromatic chess: The departure- and arrivalsquare of a move must be
on a same coloured square. Checks are 'fairy'. E.g. knights can't move,
long castling is illegal, and Ra1 can never give check to the black king.

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