[Retros] Ke1 - g1 (Are the King and the Rook....?)

raosorio at fibertel.com.ar raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
Wed Feb 6 04:39:30 EST 2008

Hi Guus, Andrew,

Minimal Deviation from the Rules (MDR). We are preparing the presentation article.
The basic idea is to stablish that the diagram is a feseable on in the real game.
In this, an illegal move is posible, and MDR accepts this posibility within some constraints:

* just the last move MAY be illegal
* From the diagram, automatic aplication of 7.4 (retraction of the illegal move, in the spirit
of the automatic application of the rules in retroproblems)
* the illegal move would be "geometrically correct" (say, a geometrical desplacement as
stablished by art. 3, but it's illegal by reassons of "Oportunity"(related to rights,etc) or by
"Completeness" (because it's incomplete. this applies to those moves that involve more
than one piece. Ke1-g1 is an example, many others related to incomplete captures and
* the MDR diagram is the result of a "finalyzed move" (not partial. Say, in real game, the player
pressed the clock). Art. 7.4 applies after that. So, in the castling example, Ke1-g1 is illegal
because the move is finalyzed. but it's incomplete 7.4 forces the retraction and 4.6 forces to castle.
* After the 7.4 retraction, the forward play is conditionated by art. 4 consequences.
* The MDR is extended to fairy stipulations, where the "Opportunity" and "Completeness" have
to be specifically interpretated.

A simple fairy example,

Minimal Deviation from the Rules


Hi Guus,

Here we inform the problem we were talking about:

Jorge Lois & Roberto Osorio
Peña del Mate de Ayuda- Buenos Aires

How does this end?
Minimal Deviation from the Rules (MDR)

MDR is a modified convention to present a diagram (article under preparation)
The basic idea is that the diagram MAY be illegal as the result of a last
geometrically correct illegal move. Then, retraction 7.4 of the Laws has to be made
and assume the art. 4 consequences.

This way, nothing has to be explained regarding fraction of move when presenting
the problem and the solutionist has to find by retroanalysis all the details.
Article 4.6 forces white in this problem to mate by O-O.
A traditional presentation of this problem would be #0.5, but obviously this is
much weaker than the MDR alternative.


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