[Retros] Solutions Orbit January and April 2008
Ivan Denkovski
idenkovs at t-home.mk
Wed Jul 30 14:36:05 EDT 2008
Here are the solutions of the originals from Orbit 37 and 38.
Orbit 37 (January 2008)
2259. Gligor Denkovski
1.h4 Nc6 2.h5 Nd4 3.h6 Nxe2 4.hxg7 Nc3 5.gxh8=R Bh6 6.Be2 Kf8 7.Kf1 Kg7
8.Qe1 Nf6 9.Rxd8 Nxb1 10.Rxc8 Na3 11.Rh8 Rxh8 12.Bd1 Kf8 13.Ne2 Ke8 14.Nc3
Bf8 15.Rh6 Ng8
Orbit 38 (April 2008)
2321. Enzo Minerva & Antonio Garofalo
1.h4 Nf6 2.h5 Rg8 3.h6 Nh5 4.hxg7 h6 5.gxf8=B Rxg2 6.e3 Rxf2 7.Qe2 Rf6 8.Kd1
Rc6 9.Qe1 d6 10.Ne2 Kd7 11.Rg1 Qxf8 12.Bh3+ Kd8 13.Bd7 Qe8
2322. Jorge Lois & Roberto Osorio
1.c4 Nc6 2.Qc2 Ne5 3.Qg6 hxg6 4.f4 Rh3 5.Kf2 Rb3 6.axb3 Ng4+ 7.Kg3 e5 8.Ra6
Ba3 9.Rf6 a5 10.Kh4 Ra6 11.Kg5 Rd6 12.h4 b6 13.Rh3 Bb7 14.Rc3 Rd3 15.bxa3
Rg3 16.Re3 Bf3 17.Re4 N4xf6#
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