[Retros] half castling: new retroplay record
afretro at yandex.ru
Tue Mar 11 01:46:38 EDT 2008
Dear Roberto,
I have read your article quite carefully. It is interesting and inspiring. Your style of writing is different from mine; I would have presented some things using other words, but that is of course a matter of taste.
Anyway, although the English language of the draft is quite good, it still requires editing. In some places, non-translated words remain (like “Caso” instead of “Case”).
“To pick it out from the board” – I believe “to remove it from the board” is better.
Example 3
RV3: retraction Kf2xNg1 followed by 1. a8=Q#
Correctly: 1. a1=Q#
As to the content of the article, I see one fundamental weakness. I am referring to the provision that “an illegal complete move has a higher preference than an underway legal move” (“higher priority” is better). It is clear to me why you had to take that approach, but still… Suppose you come up to a chess board with two players sitting at the opposite sides of it and see a position which could have originated from a complete illegal move or from an incomplete legal one. What your hypothesis would be? I would conjecture that a legal move is underway, feeling players are less likely to make illegal moves than to make a pause in the process of making a legal one.
In my opinion this point has to be elaborated on in the text, with an emphasis on the fact that the world of composition and the world of the chess game are two different realms and composers have a right to be “not quite realistic” in their approaches and/or assumptions.
Yours most truthfully,
March 11, 2008
11.03.08, 02:24, raosorio at fibertel.com.ar:
> Hi,
> Gianni sent this very funny sarcasm,
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> StrateGems, Oct/Dec. 2000 (v)
> 8/6pN/4p1Pp/5B1p/6PP/3QPkBP/1P2R2P/6KR
> 14+5 see text
> "A Tournament Director, following the official chess rules of the country in which the game above was played, properly ruled that Black could not resign. What country was it?"
> Retract: -1.Kg1-e1 Kf3-g2 2.Bg3-f2, etc.
> Rule 9C of the Official Rules of the U.S. Chess Federations states:
> 9C. Castling. In the case of castling, the move is determined with no possibility of change when the player's hand has released the king which has moved two squares toward a rook, and completed when that player, having transferred the rook to its new square, punches the clock.
> Rule 9E states:
> 9E: Checkmate or stalemate. In the case of a move which produces checkmate or stalemate, the move is determined with no possibility of change upon release as described in 9A, 9B, 9C, or 9D, whichever applies. The move is completed simultaneously with its determination.
> Since castling produces checkmate in the diagrammed position, castling was complete upon transfer of the White King from e1 to g1. Since White checkmated Black, Black may not resign.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It's remarkable the concept "determined = completed", just the opposite to recent discussions in the chesscafe.
> On top of this, this is also the retroplay record showing half castling: 3.5 single moves.
> Best,
> Roberto
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