[Retros] [tros] chess puzzle
Andrej Jakobcic
andrej.jakobcic at guest.arnes.si
Sat Mar 15 03:12:59 EDT 2008
2008/3/15, Noam Elkies <elkies at math.harvard.edu>:
> "Frank Tuyl" <tuyl at tpg.com.au> writes:
> > I happened to come across a chess puzzle, published in a Dutch newspaper
> > a couple of years ago, and after many hours I have not been able to crack it.
> > After some googling I found your site and was just wondering whether this
> > would be a way to get the solution from someone. (white to play and win)
> > White: Ka6, Qh2, Nb4, a7
> > Black: Ka8, Qg6, Nf8, d6
> Doesn't seem to be a retroanalytic puzzle, which is what this mailing list
> is for. Anyway, material is even, Black's King has no moves, and the board
> is wide open but for now both Queens are out of play, with neither side
> having a safe check except for Black's threat to free his King with ...d5+.
> This will also answer the otherwise desirable check 1 Qh1+. So White
> would like to play Nd5, blocking that check and threatening mate in one from
> either b6 or c7 -- but 1 Nd5 lets Black play another check, 1...Qd3+, and then
> after 2 Kb6 Qxd5 only Black can win. But if Black didn't have this check
> then Nd5 would win outright, even without using White's Queen. So it's
> worth the Queen to make it possible...
> 1 Qh6!! Qxh6 2 Nd5 and 3 Nb6# or 3 Nc7#
> Black can defend either b6 or c7 with either Queen or Knight (Qe3 or g7/h7,
> Nd7 or e6) but can't stop both mates. Black doesn't have to play Qxh6, but
> White is also threatening 2 Qxf8+ and mate, and Black can't hold everything:
> 1...N-any 2 Qxg6; 1...d5+ 2 Qxg6 Nxg6 3 Nd5 and mate; 1...Qf5(f7,g8/e8?)
> 2 Qh1+ (this is good now that the forced reply ...d5 is no longer
> a cross-check) d5 3 Qxd5+ Qxd5 4 Nxd5 and again mate. If 1...Qe8? then
> 2 Qh1+ mates on the diagonal, and if 1...qg8 then 2 Nd5 is a faster win.
> Any idea who is the composer and when/where this study was first published?
> --Noam D. Elkies
But what after 1. ... Qe4 ?
--Andrej J.
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