[Retros] Die Schwalbe Heft 236, april 2009

Joost de Heer joost at sanguis.xs4all.nl
Thu Apr 23 15:35:17 EDT 2009

14060 - Andrei Frolkin
Dedicated to D. Baibikov
R2kBQRK/PPpNppr1/brp3P1/1p4p1/1p2P3/P5b1/2P2PP1/8 (14+12)

| R | . | |*K | B | Q | R | K |


| P | P |*P | N |*P |*P |*R | |


|*B |*R |*P | . | | . | P | . |


| . |*P | . | | . | |*P | |


| |*P | | . | P | . | | . |


| P | | . | | . | |*B | |


| | . | P | . | | P | P | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |

Release the position

14061 - Klaus Wenda
Dedicated to G. Weeth
Q1bk1n2/1n3p2/8/2B3P1/r7/2p5/P1p1PK1P/2r4q (7+10)

| Q | . |*B |*K | |*N | | . |


| . |*N | . | | . |*P | . | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | B | | . | | P | |


|*R | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | |*P | | . | | . | |


| P | . |*P | . | P | K | | P |


| . | |*R | | . | | . |*Q |

-16 & #1 (Proca retractor, anticirce)

14062 - Werner Keym
Dedicated to V. Liskovets
r3k2r/rpp1p1p1/N1p1P1p1/4P2N/4P1Q1/4P3/1P4PB/R3K2R (13+10)

|*R | . | | . |*K | . | |*R |


|*R |*P |*P | |*P | |*P | |


| N | . |*P | . | P | . |*P | . |


| . | | . | | P | | . | N |


| | . | | . | P | . | Q | . |


| . | | . | | P | | . | |


| | P | | . | | . | P | B |


| R | | . | | K | | . | R |

Can white mate in 3?

14063 - Bernd Gräfrath
Dedicated to Cedric Lytton's 70th birthday
rnb2rk1/ppp1nppp/3bp3/8/3p4/4PP2/qPPP2PP/2KR1R2 (10+16)

|*R |*N |*B | . | |*R |*K | . |


|*P |*P |*P | |*N |*P |*P |*P |


| | . | |*B |*P | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | |*P | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | P | P | . | |


|*Q | P | P | P | | . | P | P |


| . | | K | R | . | R | . | |

SPG 12.0

14064 - Nicolas Dupont
Dedicated to Thierry le Gleuher
rnbqkbnr/1p2ppP1/1P6/2Q5/1P2KP2/1P3PB1/4NP2/NR4RB (15+11)

|*R |*N |*B |*Q |*K |*B |*N |*R |


| . |*P | . | |*P |*P | P | |


| | P | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | Q | | . | | . | |


| | P | | . | K | P | | . |


| . | P | . | | . | P | B | |


| | . | | . | N | P | | . |


| N | R | . | | . | | R | B |

SPG 27.0

14065 - Bernd Gräfrath
r1bq1rk1/ppppp2p/8/6pQ/4P3/8/PPPPNPPP/RNB2RK1 (15+12)

|*R | . |*B |*Q | |*R |*K | . |


|*P |*P |*P |*P |*P | | . |*P |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | |*P | Q |


| | . | | . | P | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| P | P | P | P | N | P | P | P |


| R | N | B | | . | R | K | |

SPG 8.5, maximum

14066 - Dragan Petrovic
3kN1N1/1pRB2PP/ppRQPBPb/2prPPnq/3ppKpp/7P/7P/8 (16+13)

| | . | |*K | N | . | N | . |


| . |*P | R | B | . | | P | P |


|*P |*P | R | Q | P | B | P |*B |


| . | |*P |*R | P | P |*N |*Q |


| | . | |*P |*P | K |*P |*P |


| . | | . | | . | | . | P |


| | . | | . | | . | | P |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |

Shortest resolution? Circe

14067 - Ravi Shankar
2kr1NK1/7p/8/8/8/3p4/8/8 (2+4)

| | . |*K |*R | | N | K | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . |*P |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . |*P | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |

-6 & #1, pacific retractor

14068 - Werner Keym, Bernd Schwarzkopf
In a legal position with 3 white pieces and the black king, the 6
distances between the pieces are all integer. The sum of the distance to
the origin square of all pieces should be minimal.
a) White has 2 pawns
b) White has 1 pawn
c) White has 0 pawns

[German text: In einer legalen Stellung mit drei weissen Steinen,
darunter a) 2, b) 1, c) 0 Bauern, und dem schwarzen König sind alle
(sechs) Abstände zwischen den Steinen ganzzahlig. Die Summe der (vier)
Abstände der Steine zu ihren Partieanfangsfeldern soll minimal sein.]


13879 - Keym
Each castling is legal in itself, but the following castlings are
mutually exclusive: (1) both white (2) both black (3) both long (4) both
short. The short retrogenesis is: wSxf8, sPd3xSc2-c1=B, Rb7 and Ra5
appeared through promotion on h1 and a8, or through promotion on a1 and
h8. In the first case the solution is: 1. OO? OOO!; 1. Rf1! [2. Qc6] Kd8
2. Qc6 Kc8 3. Qc7#, in the second case the solution is: 1. OOO? OO!; 1.
Rd1! [2. Qg6] Kf8 2. Qg6 Kg8 3. Qg7#

13880 - le Gleuher
PRINTING ERROR! wBe7 instead of wPe7!!
-1. Qa7-b8 f4-f3 -2. Kh3-h2 h2-h1=B -3. Kg4-h3 h3-h2 -4. Bh2-g3 g3-g2
-5. Kh5-g4 g4-g3 -6. Bg3-h4 h4-h3 -7. Kh6-h5 h5-h4 -8. Qh4-g5 g5-g4 -9.
Sf8-g6 g6-g5 -10. Rg5-f5 f5-f4 -11. Qf7-f6 f6-f5 -12. Qg8-f7 f7-f6 -13.
Rf6-e6 e6-e5 -14. Bd8-e7 e7-e6 -15. Re6-d6 d6-d5 -16. Sc5-d7 Ba8-b7 -17.
Sb7-c5 Kd7-c8 -18. Sh7-f8 Kc8-d7

13881 - Donati, Heimo
1. d4 e5 2. Bh6 Qg5 3. d5 Qc1 4. d6 g5 5. dxc7 d5 6. Bg7 Bd7 7. c8=N Bd6
8. Nb6 axb6 9. Bf6 Ra3 10. Bd8 Rg3 11. f3 Ba4 12. Kf2 b5 13. Ba5 Ne7 14.
Bd2 O-O 15. c3 Rc8 16. Qc2 Qxf1+ 17. Ke3 Qf2+ 18. Kd3 Qb6 19. Bc1 Qd8
Rundlauf and Platzwechsel by Bc1 and Qd8.

13882 - Gräfrath
a) 1. d3 Sc6 2. Bf4 Sd4 3. Kd2 Se2 4. Be2 c5 5. Qf1 Qb6 6. Bc7 Qa5
b) 1. d3 Sc6 2. Bd2 Sd4 3. Bf4 Se2 4. Be2 c6 5. Kd2 c5 6. Qf1 Qa5 7. Bc7

13883 - Gräfrath
1. h4 Sh6 2. h5 Sg4 3. h6 Sf2 4. hg7 Sh1 5. gh8=K h6 6. g4 e5 7. Bg2 Qf6
8. Bh1 Qh8

13884 - Schwarzkopf
White and black castling are mutually exclusive.
1. OOO? and black can't castle, so his longest moves are Ba4/Bg4 and no
mate in 3.
1. Rd1! OOO 2. Rgd4 Bh3 3. Rd8#

13885 - Wakashima
-1. Ke5xBh8! Kg7xSe8 -2. Sf6-e8 and 1. e8=S#

13886 - Weeth, Wenda
Main plan: -1. Bc8xSh3[Bf1] Kb8-c7 -2. e5xf6[Pf2]ep f7-f5 -3. c7-c8=B
and 1. Rd1[Rh1] Kc7[Ke8] but 2. Rh3[Rh1].
Solution: -1. h2xRg3[Pg2] Rh3-g3 -2. Bf1xRg2[Bf1] Rh8-h2 and now the
main plan: -3. Bc8xSh3[Bf1] Kb8-c7 -2. e5xf6[Pf2]ep f7-f5 -3. c7-c8=B
and 1. Rd1[Rh1] Kc7[Ke8]#
The key is a double Antizielelement: h3 is blocked, and white gains a
flightsquare g2.

13887 - Richter
Last moves when black has the move: -1. Rb1xBc1 Bb2-c1 -2. Qc1xSc2 S~
-3. c3-c2 etc
Last moves when white has the move: -1...Rb2xBa2 -2. Bb1-a2 Ra2xSb2 -3.
S~ Rb2-a2 SxQ[RBP] etc.

13888 - Schwarzkopf, Keym
If black moved last, it must've been Qg6(x-)h7. If nothing was captured,
then the check to the black king would be illegal. So the ELM is of the
type QxX. If white moved last, it was Qg6xXh6. With X=Q/B, the white
king is in an illegal check. With X=R/S, black has no last move. So the
equal last moves were Qg6xPh6/Qg6xPh7, so type QxP.

13889 - Keym, Schwarzkopf
8/8/8/8/6k1/7P/1PPPPP2/2BKQBR1 (11+1). Retracting g2xXh3 leads to an
impossible K/Q swap. Any removal leads to either a different last move,
or a hole through which the K/Q can escape.

13890 - Keym
a) 8/8/7k/8/8/8/8/2B1K2R (sum of distance to homesquares is ~3.6)
b) BK5Q/8/8/8/8/8/8/7k (sum of distance to homesquares is ~31.9)


Heft 180, 10600 (Zolotarev)
COOKED by Baibikov: -1... d7xSe6 -2. Sd4-e6 b4-b3 -3. Sf3-d4 Sg4-h2 -4.
Sh2-f3 Se5-g4 -5. Sc3-d1 Sc6-e5 -6. Sb5-c3 Se7-c6 -7. Sa7-b5 Sd5-e7 -8.
Sc8-a7 Sc3-d5 -9. c7-c8=S Sd1-c3 -10. c6-c7 d2-d1=S -11. c5-c6 d3-d2
-12. c4-c5 d4-d3 -13. f3-f4 c5xRd4 -14. Rg4-d4 Sh4-g2 -15. Rg2-g4 Sf5-h4
-16. g4-g5 c6-c5 -17. Bf4-h6 Sh6-f5 -18. Be5-f4 c7-c6 -19. Bc3-e5 b5-b4
-20. Bd2-c3 a6-a5 -21. Bc1-d2 a7-a6 -22. d2xBe3 Bc5-e3 -23. c3-c4 Bf8-c5
-24. c2-c3 e7xSf6.

Heft 195, 11521 - Weeth
COOK by Schwarzkopf: -1. Bc4xBf7 Be6-f7 -2. Bb3xQc4 Qc6-c4 -3. Ba2xQb3
Kf6-e7 -4. Qe8xQh5 Qh7-h5 -5. e7-e8=Q Qb1-h7.

Heft 198, 11720 - Frolkin, Kornilov
COOK by le Gleuher: -1. Sg6xRh8 Rh7-h8 -2. g2-g3 Sg3-h1 -3. Qh8-g8
Se4-g3 -4. Kg8-f8 Sd6-e4 -5. Kf8-g8 Se8-d6 -6. Kg8-f8 Sg7-e8 -7. Sf8xQg6
Re8-e7 -8. a5-a6 Be7-d8 -9. a4-a5 Bc5-e7 -10. a3-a4 e7-e6 -11. Rc6-f6

Correction: 5KQS/2pprp2/P3pR1k/5pRb/2p3pb/1P4PP/2PPPP2/s6s (13+13)
-1. Sg6-h8! b5xSc4 -2. SxRg6 Rg7-g6 -3. Sg6- Rh7-g7 -4. a5-a6 R-h7
-5...-8. Sa6-c4 R~ -9. Sc5xPa6 Rh7-~ -10...-13. Sg7-c5 Rh7 -14. Qh8-g8
a7-a6 -15. Kg8-f8 b6-b5 -16. Sf8xQg6 Re8-e7 -17. h2-h3 e7-e6 etc.

Heft 230, 13699 - Reddmann
After a discussion between Martin Hintz, Bernd Schwarzkopf and Hauke
Reddmann, they concluded that the final position isn't unique. The new
stipulation (with unchanged solution) should be: Find the shortest
symmetric game in which a flaw in the notation rule E10 for FIDE is
shown. What's the final position if 6. h2-h4 is played? (Spiele eine
möglichst kurze Beweispartie, in der Weiss und Schwarz symmetrisch
spielen und in der eine Lücke in der FIDE-Notationsregel E10 aufgedeckt
ist. Wie sieht die Schlussstellung aus, wehnn in der Partie der zug 6.
h2-h4 vorkommt?)

New record for a knight-Pronkin in losing chess:
Mario Richter
rn2kbnr/1p2pppp/8/2p5/8/8/q4PPP/1NBQKBNR (10+13)
SPG 8.5, Losing chess
1. e4 c5 2. e5 Qa5 3. e6 Qd2 4. ed7 Qc2 5. dc8=S Qb2 6. Sa7 Qa1 7. Sb5
Qb1 8. Sa3 Qa2 9. Sb1

Theme IV (proofgames with duellist chess and as many pawns that make a
double single step, instead of a single double step) is probably unique:
ALL entries were cooked! The cook for the winner (Crisan, Murarasu,
Raican) is: 1. c4 c5 2. f4 f5 3. d4 Qa5+ 4. Kf2 Qc3 5. a4 Qa5 6. h4 Qe1+
7. Ke3 Qd2+ 8. Kf2 Qc3 9. b4 Qf3+ 10. Ke1 Qe3 11. g4 Qg3+ 12. Kd2 Qd3+
13. Ke1 Qe3 14. Bg2 Qe6 15. Bd5 Qxd5 16. e4 Qe5 17. Ne2 Qc7 18. Nec3 Qa5
19. Nd5 Qd8 20. Nf6+ Kf7 21. Nxg8 Ke8 22. Nh6 Nc6 23. Nf7 Ne5 24. Nxh8
Nf7 25. Nxf7 d5 26. Nd6+ Kd7 27. Nf7 Kc7 28. Nd6 Kb8 29. Nb5 e5

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