[Retros] Orbit 39
raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
Sun Jan 25 07:10:42 EST 2009
These are the retro problems published in Orbit 39; solutions included at the end.
(I) Leonid Borodatov
(r3k3/2K5/8/3PPP2/2NpPpP1/3N 1P1P/4PB1p/R6R) H#2 * AP (14+5)
(II) Leonid Borodatov
(4k2r/8/1N5P/BPP3NP/qpP3P1/rp3B1P/RK4PR/8) H#2 AP (15+6)
(III) Sergio Orce
(Bn6/k7/P2P4/8/1K6/8/8/8) Retractor type Proca - 3 & #1 (4 + 2)
(IV) Itamar Faybish
(2R1kbnr/p1ppp1pp/8/8/8/PQ6/q2P1PPP/1NB1K1NR) PG 10.5 (12+11) C+
(V) Paul Raican
(1n1qkbnr/rppppp1p/5P2/4pN1B/1P5P/NP2PR2/2PPK2B/8) PG 28.0 (13+14) C-
(VI) Satoshi Hashimoto
(6R1/5N2/1QP2P2/pppppppp/2PRB3/1P3P2/1P1KPPk1/2B2N2) PG 24.5 (16+9) C-
(VII) Nicolas Dupont
(3B1kB1/1b1np2p/1p4r1/3n4/2p2pq1/p2P2Pr/PP1bPK1P/RN1Q2NR) PG 21.5 (14+14)
Antecedent (rnkq2nr/1pp2ppp/6P1/6QP/3PR1P1/4B2N/P3P1BN/1KR5) R. Aschwanden PG 20.0
SOLUTIONS - Comments, Roberto Osorio (RO), Valery Liskovets (VL), Jorge Lois (JL)
I) 1.-, Kd6 2. Kd8, RxRa8# (set play)
1. f4xg3 e.p.! (retroplay 1. g2-g4, g3xQh2), Kc6 2. O-O-O! (argument for e.p.), Ra8#
There is no waiting move and after ep, castling should be done to justify ep!
WPs d, e and f captured 10 men, so 10+5+Ph7=16 and then white could not
capture in his last move . h4xg3xh2 was impossible because the captured wB
was the light squares one.. So, indeed, unless 000 is destroyed, the last moves
could be only g2-g4 and g3xh2 (VL) / 1
.,Kd6? 2.Kd8 would not prove the
e.p. capture right, a typical try (RO).
II) 1.b4xc3 e.p.!, Bxc3 2. O-O!, h7# (Retroplay: 1. c2-c4!, c4xQb3 2.Qd3-b3, Rc3-a3)
Again, 10 black men were captured and the balance is equivalent to the previous
problem. The only one white retraction capable to keep the black castling right is
1. c2-c4! followed by the explained retroplay. A thematic couple of problems showing
The e.p. & castling rights dependency (RO) / A pity that it doesn't contain a thematic
try: an (illegal) mate without 00 after ep (VL).
III) -1.c5xd6 e.p., d7-d5 -2. Ka5xb4, b5-b4 -3. Bc6xRa8! (.-3.Bc6?, Ka8xRa7!! shows that
b7-b5 was not necessarily the last black move) and, 1. c5xb6 e.p.# (A) / A nice
miniature that starts with an e.p. retraction and ends with an e.p. mate (RO).
IV) 1.Pc2-c4 Pf7-f5 2.Pc4-c5 Pf5-f4 3.Pc5-c6 Pf4-f3 4.Pc6xb7 Pf3xe2
5.Pb7xc8=R Pe2xf1=B 6.Rc8xb8 Bf1-a6 7.Rb8xa8 Qd8-b8 8.Pa2-a3 Ba6-c8 9.Ra1-a2
Qb8xb2 10.Qd1-b3 Qb2xa2 11.Ra8xc8
Many Tourney themes in a short sequence: an officer captures an officer / Gianni Donatti 50th JT
(switchback of a promoted piece from and to its promotion square) / Kostas Prentos 40th JT
(a promoted piece is captured by an officer) / Messigny 2008 (a promoted piece is captured by
another promoted piece) (RO).
V) COOKED 1.Ph2-h4 Pa7-a5 2.Rh1-h3 Pa5-a4 3.Rh3-f3 Pa4-a3 4.Rf3-f6 Pg7xf6 5.Pb2-b4
Bf8-h6 6.Bc1-b2 Ke8-f8 7.Bb2-e5 Kf8-g7 8.Be5-h2 Bh6-f4 9.Pe2-e3 Sg8-h6 10.Qd1-h5
Qd8-g8 11.Qh5-e5 Pf6xe5 12.Bf1-e2 Kg7-f6 13.Be2-h5 Qg8xg2 14.Ke1-e2 Qg2-d5
15.Sg1-f3 Qd5-b3 16.Pa2xb3 Pa3-a2 17.Sb1-a3 Ra8-a7 18.Ra1-g1 Pa2-a1=Q 19.Rg1-g8
Qa1-g1 20.Rg8xc8 Qg1-g7 21.Rg8 Qf8 22.Rg3 Sg8 23.Sd4 Bh6 24.f4 Qd8 25.Rf3 Kg7 26.f5
Kf8 27.f6 Ke8 28.Sf5 Bf8.
Queen-sarcophagus (A) / bQ Pronkin plus bK, bN and bB switchbacks; quite a term
(sarcophagus) to refer to a Phenix piece standing on a square entombed by its
own army (RO).
VI) 1. d4 a5 2. d5 Ra6 3. Qd4 Rb6 4. Sd2 Rb3 5. axb3 b5 6. Qb6 c5 7. Ra4 Sc6 8. dxc6 d5 9. Rd4 Bg4
10. c4 Bf3 11. gxf3 e5 12. Bh3 Ke7 13. Bf5 Kf6 14. Be4 Kg5 15. Sh3+ Kh4
16. Sg5 f5 17. Sf7 Kh3 18. Sf1 Kg2 19. h4 Qg5 20. hxg5 Sf6 21. gxf6 g5 22. Kd2 Bh6 23. Rxh6 Rg8
24. Rg6 h5 25. Rxg8. Black pawn double steps in alphabetical order;
all black officers moved to be captured (A) / Nice added value (alphabetical order) on a well
known task (displaced pawn line) (JL).
VII) 1. Pf2-f4 Pb7-b5 2. Pf4-f5 Fc8-b7 3. Pf5-f6 Dd8-c8 4. Pf6xg7 Pf7-f5 5. Pc2-c4 Cg8-f6
6. Pg7-g8=F Ff8-h6 7. Pc4-c5 Re8-f8 8. Fg8-b3 Th8-g8 9. Pc5-c6 Tg8-g6 10.Pc6xd7 Pc7-c5 11. Pd7-d8=F
Pc5-c4 12. Fd8-b6 Pa7xb6 13. Re1-f2 Ta8-a3 14. Fb3-a4 Ta3-h3 15. Pd2-d3 Pb5xa4 16. Fc1-f4
Pa4-a3 17. Ff4-c7 Fh6-d2 18. Pg2-g3 Pf5-f4 19. Ff1-g2 Dc8-g4 20. Fg2-d5 Cb8-d7 21. Fd5-g8
Cf6-d5 22. Fc7-d8. Two anti-Pronkin bishops from the same side. Cross captures (A)
/ See the R. Aschwandens antecedent: (1. h4 d5 2. h5 d4 3. Th4 d3 4. Sh3 dxc2 5. d4 a5 6. Dd2 a4 7. Dg5 a3
8. Le3 c1=L 9. f4 Ld2+ 10. Sxd2 axb2 11. Sf3 b1=L 12. Sh2 Lg6 13. f5 e5 14. fxg6 Lf5 15. 0-0-0 Lb1 16.Kxb1 e4
17. Txe4+ Kd7 18. g4 La3 19. Lg2 Lc1 20. Txc1 Kc8); the motivation here is that the (a) and (d) bP had to
promote in order to be captured and after that there is no other square to capture the original bishops than
the promotion ones. In the Duponts problem the (a) and (b) bP had to make a cross capture in order to allow
the bR to reach h3 in two moves (see Selected problems to complete the discussion on this theme) (RO).
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