[Retros] Probleemblad 1-2009

Rol, Guus G.A.Rol at umcutrecht.nl
Mon Mar 30 04:36:45 EDT 2009

Anybody looking for a real classical retro solving challenge I can
advise Harry Goldsteen's "chinese puzzles". They are extraordinarily
difficult and ingenious, some levels up from what he published 10 years
ago. Actually, he has been composing relentlessly in those years only
cutting short on the frequency of publication. But he is working through
the backlog now!

Guus Rol

R351 - Harry Goldsteen
8/1p5p/5p1P/PP1P3p/kr1rP3/BbKpp3/Np2RP2/qNnRb3 (12+14)

| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . |*P | . | | . | | . |*P |


| | . | | . | |*P | | P |


| P | P | . | P | . | | . |*P |


|*K |*R | |*R | P | . | | . |


| B |*B | K |*P |*P | | . | |


| N |*P | | . | R | P | | . |


|*Q | N |*N | R |*B | | . | |

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