[Retros] Strategems 48, oct-dec 2009

Joost de Heer joost at sanguis.xs4all.nl
Sat Oct 3 07:50:15 EDT 2009

P0255 - Henryk Grudzinski
rsbqkbsr/ppppp1pp/7p/P7/4P3/7P/1PP2P2/4K3 (7+16)

|*R |*S |*B |*Q |*K |*B |*S |*R |


|*P |*P |*P |*P |*P | |*P |*P |


| | . | | . | | . | |*P |


| P | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | P | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | P |


| | P | P | . | | P | | . |


| . | | . | | K | | . | |

SPG 10.0, Take&make

P0256 - James Soliman
rs1kq3/pp1pp1p1/1p3p2/8/8/8/PPRPPPr1/RSBQKBS1 (13+12)

|*R |*S | |*K |*Q | . | | . |


|*P |*P | . |*P |*P | |*P | |


| |*P | | . | |*P | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| P | P | R | P | P | P |*R | . |


| R | S | B | Q | K | B | S | |

SPG 13.0

P0257 - Paul Monsky
rs1qk1s1/b1pppp1b/Rp5r/S5pp/P1P1K3/8/2QPPPPP/B4BSR (15+15)

|*R |*S | |*Q |*K | . |*S | . |


|*B | |*P |*P |*P |*P | . |*B |


| R |*P | | . | | . | |*R |


| S | | . | | . | |*P |*P |


| P | . | P | . | K | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | Q | P | P | P | P | P |


| B | | . | | . | B | S | R |

SPG 16.0

P0258 - James Soliman
1s2kbs1/1pp3p1/3p2r1/8/r1qRrP1P/SP6/1PPpP1P1/2BQKBS1 (14+13)

| |*S | | . |*K |*B |*S | . |


| . |*P |*P | | . | |*P | |


| | . | |*P | | . |*R | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


|*R | . |*Q | R |*R | P | | P |


| S | P | . | | . | | . | |


| | P | P |*P | P | . | P | . |


| . | | B | Q | K | B | S | |

SPG 19.0 (3 bR)

Solutions SG46 (Apr-Jun 2009)
R0149 - Petrovic
1. Bg7xe5(Pe7) e7 2. Se4 e6 3. Sf6xe4(Pe7) e5 4. Bh6 [It is easy to
conclude that hxQg1(Qd1) opens the cage. However, to free the queen, Pa2
must be drawn out by bxPa6(Pa2) and then Qe2xPg2(Pg7) must occur.
Therefore, let's realise the following plan: 1) to shift Pc7 to the
a-file and 2) to shift e-pawn to the g-file] e7 5. Se4 e6 6. Sd2xe4(Pe7)
e5 7. Sb1 d7xSe6(Sb1) 8. Sg5 e6 9. Se4 e7 10. Sd6xe4(Pe7) e5 11.
Se4xd6(Pd7) e7! 12. Sf6xe4(Pe7) e5 13. Sd5 d7 14. Sf6xd5(Pd7) e6 15. Se4
e7 16. Sd2xe4(Pe7) e5 17. Sb1 cxSd5(Sb1) 18. Sf6 e6 19. Se4 e7 20.
Sd2xe4(Pe7) e5 [We have troubles now. The next step cannot be bxSc6 and
there is no way to uncapture the b-pawn on b5. The white bishop is
useless also. We need a white pawn on b5. Yes, the Bf8 must go to b8 to
unpromote himself!] 21. Sb1 e6 22. Bd6! d7xSc6(Sb1) [The e-pawn went to
c6 to activate the Pc7!] 23. Se5xc6(Pc7) e7 24. Bb8xd6(Pd7) d7 25.
Sf7xe5(Pe7) e6 26. Sd6 e7 27. Se4xd6(Pd7) d7 28. Sf6xe4(Pe7) e5 29. b7
e6 30. Se4 e7 31. Sf6xe4(Pe7) e5 32. b6 e6 33. Se4 e7 34. Sd2xe4(Pe7) e5
35. Sb1 e6 36. b5 b7xSc6(Sb1) 37. Se5 e7 38. Sf7xe5(Pe7) e6 39. Sd6 e7
40. Se4xd6(Pd7) d7 41. Sd2xe4(Pe7) e5 42. Sb1 e6 43. a4xb5(Pb7)
a6xSb5(Sb1) [Finally the black pawn crossed the b-file] 44. Sd6
bxa6(Pa2) 45. Sa2 Sc1 46. Se4xd6(Pd7) e7 47. Sd2xe4(Pe7) e5 48. Sb1 e6
[At this moment we have a problem to cross the f-file. Although the Rf2
is free it cannot help. The Bh6 is useless too. Yes, the second
unpromotion of the bishop must occur!] 49. Bf8 Se2 50. f7 Sc1 51. f6 Se2
52. f5 f7xSe6(Sb1) 53. Sg5 Sc1 54. Se4 Se2 55. Sd2 Sc1 56. Sb1 Se2 57.
exf5(Pf7) g6xSf5(Sb1) 58. Se7 Sc1 59. Rd2 g7 60. Qe2xg2(Pg7) d7 61. Qd1

R0150 - Petrovici
1. Sc8-d6 2. Bh2-b8 3. c7-c8=S & 1. c8=B 2. Bd7 3. Bc6 Qc6#

R0151 - Petrovici
1. Se7-g8 2. Sc8-e7 3. c7-c8=S & 1. c8=B 2. Bf5 3. Bc2 Ra1#

R0152 - Wenda/Weeth
Main plan: -1. Ba2xBb1[Bf1]? Kc2xQd1[Ke8] -2. Qh1xQf3[Qd1] Q~-f3 -3.
Rd1-d6 & 1. Re1 Qd3#, but black parries with the forward defense -2...
Qh3-f3! & 1...Qh5[Qd8] 2. Qh5#.

So white first needs to block h3: -1. Bf1xBg2[Bf1] Bh3-g2 -2.
Ba2xBb1[Bf1] Kc2xQd1[Ke8] -3. Qh1xQf3[Qd1] Qg3-f3 -4. Rd1-d6 & 1. Re1!
Qd3# (-4. Sd3-c1? & 1. Se1 Qd3 2. Rd8!)

Calvet is needed to exclude the defense -2...Kd1xQc2(Ke8)!

P0244 - Soliman
1. c4 d5 2. Qa4+ Nd7 3. Qc6 Nf6 4. a4 Ne4 5. Ra3 Nc5 6. Rf3 Na6 7. d3
Nb8 8. Bh6 gxh6 9. g3 Bg7 10. Bh3 O-O 11. Rxf7 Nf6 12. Bxc8 Kh8 13. g4 Ng8

P0245 - Soliman
1. h4 a5 2. h5 a4 3. h6 a3 4. hxg7 axb2 5. gxh8=B bxc1=N 6. Bb2 Nxe2 7.
Bc1 Nxg1 8. Qh5 Rxa2 9. Qa5 f5 10. Na3 f4 11. Rb1 f3 12. Rb5 fxg2 13. f4
gxf1=N 14. Kf2 Nxd2 15. Kg3 Nb1

P0246 - Prentos/Soliman
1. Nf3 Nc6 2. Nd4 Ne5 3. Nc6 dxc6 4. Nc3 Bg4 5. Ne4 e6 6. Ng5 Bb4 7.
Nxf7 Bc3 8. bxc3 Qf6 9. Ba3 Rd8 10. Bf8 Ne7 11. Bxg7 Rg8 12. Bh6 Rg5 13.
Bf8 N5g6 14. Ne5 Rd4 15. Nf3 Ra5 16. Ng1 Nd5 17. Ba3 c5 18. Bc1

P0247 - Soliman
1. Nc3 Nf6 2. Nd5 Ne4 3. Nf6+ exf6 4. Nf3 Bd6 5. Nd4 Bg3 6. Nc6 dxc6 7.
hxg3 Be6 8. Rh6 Bb3 9. Rg6 hxg6 10. axb3 Rh5 11. Ra6 Rc5 12. Rb6 Rc3 13.
dxc3 axb6 14. Bf4 Ra5 15. Bd6 Rf5 16. Bf8 Rf3 17. exf3 Nd2 18. Ke2 Nb1
19. Qd2

P0248 - Lois/Osorio
1. e4 h5 2. Qg4 hxg4 3. c4 Rh3 4. c5 Rc3 5. c6 dxc6 6. h4 Bf5 7. h5 e6
8. h6 Bd6 9. h7 Bh2 10. h8=Q g3 11. Qh5 Rxc1+ 12. Qd1 Rc4 13. Qb3 Bxe4
14. Qb6 axb6 15. a4 Ra5 16. Na3 Rh5 17. a5 Rh8 18. a6 Bh7 19. a7 f5 20.
a8=Q Kf7 21. Qa4 Kg6 22. Qd1 Ra4 23. Nc2 Ra8

P0249 - Baier
1. d4 h5 2. Bf4 h4 3. Bg3 hxg3 4. Nd2 Rh4 5. Nb3 Rg4 6. h4 Nh6 7. h5 Nf5
8. h6 a5 9. h7 a4 10. Rh6 axb3 11. Rc6 dxc6 12. h8=R Qd5 13. Rh1 Qb5 14.
d5 Raa4 15. d6 Rad4 16. a4 Be6 17. a5 Bd5 18. a6 e6 19. d7+ Ke7 20. a7
Kd6 21. a8=N Kc5 22. Nb6 Bd6 23. Nc4 Be5 24. Na3 Kb6 25. d8=B Ka6 26.
Bg5 f6 27. Bc1 Ne3 28. Nb1+

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