[Retros] François Le Lionnais picture

Kostas Prentos prentos at the.forthnet.gr
Wed Aug 11 10:39:29 EDT 2010

Dear Eric,

This is a well-known diagram of a Shinkman #3 (yes, there is a wPc6,
otherwise it is #1)
Key: 1.Kh1!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Angelini" <Eric.Angelini at kntv.be>
To: "The Retrograde Analysis Mailing List" <retros at janko.at>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 5:15 PM
Subject: [Retros] François Le Lionnais picture

Hello Retro-fans,
This is another kind of retro-analysis I'm looking for ;-)
The hereunder link shows a 1936 picture of François Le Lionnais.
He stares at a game of chess. Or at a chess problem? Friends
of mine have tried to rebuild the position. I quickly proposed
my vision of it (link) and my explanation :

... but someone claims now that "there is a pawn on c6 -- look
at the shadow on d6!") -- so I'm confused... Could you guys ex-
plain at what exactly is FLL looking? Does this diagram ring a
bell to someone?

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