[Retros] Probleemblad 2-2010 (Apr-Jun)
Joost de Heer
joost at sanguis.xs4all.nl
Sat Jul 3 06:08:48 EDT 2010
R369 - Unto Heinonen
rs1q1b2/1p2spp1/2p1pkp1/2p2b2/1P1r4/8/1PP1PPP1/RSQBKBSR (14+15)
|*R |*S | |*Q | |*B | | . |
| . |*P | . | |*S |*P |*P | |
| | . |*P | . |*P |*K |*P | . |
| . | |*P | | . |*B | . | |
| | P | |*R | | . | | . |
| . | | . | | . | | . | |
| | P | P | . | P | P | P | . |
| R | S | Q | B | K | B | S | R |
SPG 19.5
R370 - Unto Heinonen
rsbqkbr1/1p2spp1/1Pp1p1pB/8/4PP2/2P3R1/1PP1K1P1/1S1Q1BSR (15+14)
|*R |*S |*B |*Q |*K |*B |*R | . |
| . |*P | . | |*S |*P |*P | |
| | P |*P | . |*P | . |*P | B |
| . | | . | | . | | . | |
| | . | | . | P | P | | . |
| . | | P | | . | | R | |
| | P | P | . | K | . | P | . |
| . | S | . | Q | . | B | S | R |
SPG 20.0
R371 - Andrei Kornilov, Andrei Frolkin
4BR1k/4P1Rs/ppp1pPKQ/5pbr/3p1p1p/2PP4/1P1P2P1/2B5 (13+12)
| | . | | . | B | R | |*K |
| . | | . | | P | | R |*S |
|*P |*P |*P | . |*P | P | K | Q |
| . | | . | | . |*P |*B |*R |
| | . | |*P | |*P | |*P |
| . | | P | P | . | | . | |
| | P | | P | | . | P | . |
| . | | B | | . | | . | |
Last 17 single moves?
R358 - Heinonen
1. c4 e5 2. c5 Bd6 3. cxd6 g5 4. dxc7 g4 5. cxd8=N g3 6. Nxf7 gxh2 7.
Nxe5 hxg1=Q 8. Rh3 Kd8 9. Rb3 Kc7 10. d3 Qxf1+ 11. Kd2 Qh1 12. Nf3 Qh4
13. Ng1 Qd8
Pronkins on d8 (promoted on g1) and g1 (promoted on d8).
R359 - Heinonen
1. Nf3 g5 2. Ne5 g4 3. Nxd7 g3 4. Nf6+ exf6 5. a3 Bb4 6. axb4 Qd7 7. Ra6
Qh3 8. Rb6 axb6 9. gxh3 Ra3 10. Bg2 Rc3 11. dxc3 Ne7 12. Qd4 O-O 13. Bc6
g2 14. Kd2 g1=Q 15. Kd3 Qg7 16. Nd2 Bg4 17. Nf3 Nd7 18. Bd2 Ra8 19. Ra1
Qf8 20. Ng1 Qd8
'Pronkin-siblings' (original captured, sibling replaces) on a1, a8, g1
and Pronkin on d8.
R360 - Denkovski
1. a4 c5 2. a5 Qc7 3. a6 Qg3 4. hxg3 c4 5. Rh6 c3 6. Rf6 cxb2 7. Nc3
b1=Q 8. Ba3 Qb6 9. Qb1 d5 10. Qb4 Nd7 11. Qh4 Nc5 12. Qh1 Bh3 13. O-O-O
O-O-O 14. Re1 Rd7 15. Kd1 Qd8 16. axb7+ Kc7 17. b8=R exf6 18. Rb1 Bd6
19. Ra1 Be5 20. Nb1 Bc3 21. Bc1 d4
Pronkins (a1, d8), switchbacks (b1, c1)
R361 - Donati
1. Nf3 e5 2. Nd4 exd4 3. Nc3 dxc3 4. dxc3 f5 5. Be3 f4 6. Bb6 axb6 7. h4
Ra5 8. Rh3 Rh5 9. Rg3 d5 10. Rg6 Bg4 11. Rd6 Bf3 12. Rd7 Bd6 13. gxf3
Ne7 14. Bh3 Rf8 15. Bf5 Rf6 16. Bd3 Rfh6 17. Bb5 g6 18. Bc6 Nexc6 19.
Rf7 Na5 20. Rf5 c6 21. Rg5 Bc7 22. Rg1 Qd6 23. Rh1
Long journey of white rook for shielding
R362 - Rol
I) 1...Kc6! 2. Rxa4 Qxa4[Ra8] 3. OOO Qa8#
II) 1...dxc6ep[Pc7] 2.OOO c5 3. Rg8 Qxg8[Ra8]#
In II), the ep capture has to be justified by castling. A try would be
1...dxc6ep[Pc7] 2. Rxa4? Qxa4[Ra8] 3. OOO Qa8# because in this scenario,
black's last move could've been with the rook, so the ep-capture isn't
R363 - Rol
1... gxf6ep[Pf7] 2. Ra6 bxa6[Ra8] 3. OOO Qxb7#
After the first move, direct castling is illegal (black's move before
f7-f5 must've been with either the king or rook). But black has to
castle because he must prove the last move wasn't Kf7-e8. In the
solution, black castles with a reborn rook, proving his king didn't move.
R364 - Millour
Cooked, a correction appeared in PB 2010-1.
R365 - Dittmann
Main plan: -x. b7-b8=B & 1. ba8=R[Rh1] but black can defend with Rh4. So
the 4th row must be obstructed. But this isn't as easy as it seems:
-1. Kc5xBd4[Ke1]? e7xXd6[Pd7] -2. b7-b8=B & 1. ba8=R[Rh1] but 1... Ba1!
-1. Kb2xPc3[Ke1]? b7xXa6[Pa7]!
-1. Ke4xPd4[Ke1]? Bh4xPe7[Bf8]!
Solution: -1. Kc2xBb1[Ke1] Ba2-b1 -2. Kb1-c2 Bb3-a2 -3. Kc2-b1 Ba2-b3
-4. Kb1-c2 Bb3-a2 -5. Kc2-b1 Bc4-b3 (Ba2-b3?? illegal) -6. b7-b8=B & 1.
Thematical tries: -1. Kc2xBb3[Ke1]? Ba2-b3 ... -5. Kc2-b1?? illegal.
-1. Kb1xBa2[Ke1]? Bb3-a2 ... -5. Kb1-c2?? illegal.
R366 - Wenda
Dualistic with -4. Bd2-b4, the corrected version (with the same
solution) is:
R366c - Klaus Wenda
R7/pb4k1/1P1P4/8/KB6/rPp5/B1p3P1/8 (8+6) -9 & #1 Anticirce Proca
-1. Rb8-a8! Ba8-b7 -2. Ka5-a4 Kh8-g7 -3. b7-b8=R (threat: -4.
f5xg6ep[Pg2] g7-g5 -5. b2-b3 & 1. ba8=R[Rh1]#) c4-d3 -4. Bc5-b4 Ra4-a3
-5. Bb4-c5 Ra3-a4 -6. Bc5-b4 Ra4-a3 -7. Bb4-c5 c5-c4 (Ra3-a4?? illegal)
-8. f5xg6ep[Pg2] g7-g5 -9. b2-b3 & 1. ba8=R[Rh1]#
-7... c3-c2 -8. hg6ep[Pg2]! g7-g5 -9. Bb1-a2 & 1. b8=Q#
Try: -4. Bd2-b4? Ra4-a3 -5. Bb4-d2 Ra3-a4 -6. Bd2-b4 c5-c4! and now:
-7. f5xg6ep[Pg2] g7-g5 -8. b2-b3 & 1. ba8=R[Ra1] Rh3! or -7. Bb4-d2
c6-c5! or -7. Be3-d2 Ra4-a3!
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