[Retros] Ortho-reconstructions
Pascal Wassong
pascal.wassong at free.fr
Sun Mar 28 14:29:55 EDT 2010
I studied this paper, and the previous ones, with great interest.
The proof game of problem 18, by Guus Rol, is not unique. For example:
1.c4 e6 2.c5 Bxc5 3.Qb3 Be3 4.Qa4 c5 5.Qxa7 Qa5 6.f3 b6 7.Qb7 Qa7
8.dxe3 Ke7 9.e4 Kd6 10.Bg5 Nc6 11.Bd8 g6 12.Qb8+
This is very strange, as it is easy to render it unique. Here is a
|*R | Q |*B | B | | . | |*R |
|*Q | | . |*P | . |*P | . |*P |
| |*P |*S |*K |*P | . | | . |
| . | |*P | | . | |*P | |
| P | . | | . | P | . | | . |
| . | | . | | . | | . | |
| R | P | | K | P | P | P | P |
| . | S | . | | . | B | S | R |
25 single moves. 15 + 13
The resolution begins at Sun Mar 28 20:20:01 2010
Solution 1 (position 7)
1.Pc2-c4 Pe7-e6 2.Pc4-c5 Bf8xc5 3.Qd1-a4 Bc5-e3
4.Qa4xa7 Pc7-c5 5.Pa2-a4 Qd8-a5 6.Ra1-a2 Pb7-b6
7.Qa7-b7 Qa5-a7 8.Pd2xe3 Ke8-e7 9.Pe3-e4 Ke7-d6
10.Bc1-g5 Sg8-e7 11.Ke1-d2 Se7-c6 12.Bg5-d8 Pg7-g5
The resolution ends at Sun Mar 28 20:20:03 2010
Resolution time : 2.06 s.
To be complete, the stipulation of the problem is:
Drawn. Proof game in 18.5 moves.
>>>>> "Николай" == Николай Белухов <nbeluhov at abv.bg> writes:
Николай> Corrected version of the Ortho-reconstructions paper
Николай> available on the chessproblem.net forum as well as here
Николай> (several typos and a cook pointed out by Mario Richter):
Николай> https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=
Николай> 0B84M-EsbAvopODliNDg0OWMtNWIxYy00MjA2LTk4YzItNmQ4YmU5MTI3ODAw&hl=en
Николай> Best, Nikolai
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