[Retros] Older archives of the retro mailing list

Otto Janko otto at janko.at
Mon May 14 05:22:30 EDT 2012

Dear Alain & ALL

> I'm looking for info on a problem which is referenced

> in the PDB as "Internet Mailing Liste 06/1997" (the context

> is not given...). But http://www.pairlist.net/pipermail/retros/

> allows only to read from 12/2001 upward.

> Does soemeone know how to get older mails, or have archived

> them?

The old archive is gone since the old mailing list was shut down in 1999
(the archive is bound to the mailing list). However, I found two archives on
my hard disc and uploaded them to the Retro Corner:

http://www.janko.at/Retros/Retro-Mailing-List-Archiv-1.zip (~2 MB)
http://www.janko.at/Retros/Retro-Mailing-List-Archiv-2.zip (~5 MB)

Maybe these archives do not contain all mails, but it's all I have.

Good Luck!


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