[Retros] Chessbase 1999

Joost de Heer joost at sanguis.xs4all.nl
Thu Aug 22 05:56:47 EDT 2013

On Thu, August 22, 2013 11:29, per olin wrote:


> Dear retrofans,

> In Tehtäväniekka 4-5/2012 there was a very economical problem by Unto

> Heinonen: Kh6 Dg6 pawnh5 - Kh8 Dg4 with the four stipulations 1#, 1=, s#1,

> s=1. Is the fourth, selfstalemate in one move, incorrect for not being a

> stalemate after 1.Dg8 K/Dxg8, but dead reckoning after 0.5 moves?

Not if you read the '=' as 'draw'.

IIRC Michel Caillaud published a h'='2 a few years ago in Strategems that
used 3-fold repetition using the history of the diagram position and the
(forced) future of the final position.


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