[Retros] Marco Bonavoglia 60 JT

Andrew Buchanan andrew at anselan.com
Sun Jun 9 10:47:38 EDT 2013

Hi Marco,

I think this is a great theme for a tournament. It's precise and fairly
unexplored but allows a vast range of different motifs.

All the best,


From: retros-bounces at janko.at [mailto:retros-bounces at janko.at] On Behalf Of
Marco Bonavoglia
Sent: 09 June 2013 03:13
To: Retro Corner
Subject: [Retros] Marco Bonavoglia 60 JT

Dear Retro Friends,

At this link http://tinyurl.com/mb60jt you can find the announcement and
theme of my Jubilee Tourney.
I hope you find the theme interesting and am looking forward to receiving
many entries!
best, Marco

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