[Retros] Dittmann Article on Anticirce Procas

Thomas Brand t.brand at gmx.net
Mon Mar 11 17:15:33 EDT 2013

Dear friends,

Wolfgang Dittmann wrote an article on the very attractive Anticirce Proca
genre dealing with the specific methods a king has to mate his opponent.

I'm proud that Wolfgang allowed me to publish his article in my blog; I invite
you to download it from here:


The English title (translated by Günther Weeth) is "It is the King who mates!
Tricky antiCircean Play in the Defensive Retractor" while the original German
title is "Der König setzt matt! Anticirce Tricks im Verteidigungsrückzüger".
The pdf file contains both German and English text together with 10
well-chosen examples.

Have fun, and best regards,


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