[Retros] rights & ocassions / answering Kevin
Kevin Begley
kevinjbegley at gmail.com
Tue May 6 10:46:15 EDT 2014
I didn't ask for code.
I didn't ask for an algorithm.
I didn't ask for pseudo-code.
I asked only for a definition.
If you are unable to provide that, you have my sympathies.
Once you realize that an impossible casting scenario is equivalent to a
pawn with zero hope of capture/promotion, you will find something better to
crow about.
On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 2:37 PM, <raosorio at fibertel.com.ar> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> ps: if you believe otherwise, present a clear definition for your
> interpretation
> ********************************************************************************
> I have learned trough some previous messages to the RML how to
> interpretate this type
> of prhases coming from you; just non aggresive but temperamental. I feel
> comfortable with this.
> Other way it would sound imperative, and frankly speaking I have enough
> with my wife at home.
> I don't care whether you can castle, or not.
> I care only that you have altered the position.
> ********************************************************************************
> but we are taulking about castling
> Consider the following position:
> White : Ke1 Rh1 Pd6c5b4b2
> Black : Kb8 Ra8a7 Bc8b7a6 Pd7c6b5h2
> According to your "spirit of the law" interpretation (which is frankly no
> such thing), movement of the white pawn, from b2 to b3, is useless -- no
> capture or promotion is possible.
> Therefore, according to your viewpoint, the position never really changed.
> Rubbish.
> *********************************************************************************
> a) I can not connect this with what I said. O f course b2-b3 is a relevant
> move from
> many points of view: it defines the draw (the position is not DR; white
> could move the R
> and the game continues). THE POSITION CHANGED, but just after that move.
> My point in this type of position is just that there is definitively no
> 0-0 chance for white
> from the diagram position on.
> b) Perhaps what is making noise here is my reference to the "spirit of the
> law". Is it?
> If so, let's forget it. I was just trying to frame the idea of the "no
> castling chance" in the
> position I presented, and the same applies to yours. All of this as a
> result of the non clear
> phrasing in the Laws.
> c) Rubbish?!! :-)
> Best,
> Roberto
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