[Retros] Gligor-Denkovski-Memorial-Tourney

Thomas Brand t.brand at gmx.net
Fri Feb 20 01:54:31 EST 2015

Dear all,

Additionally to the Gligor-Denkovski MT The Macedonian Problemist 
announced a new retro informal tourney for 2015 (maybe until 2016); 
judge is Hans Gruber.

Till 2014 retros in The Macedonian Problemist were included in the 
Fairies section.

Entries to the informal tourney (and the Gligor-Denkovski MT as well) to
Zoran Gavrilovski (mprobl(at)yahoo.com), P. fah 137, MK-1001 Skopje, 

Best regards,


Am 20.02.2015 um 06:46 schrieb "Bernd Gräfrath":
> Dear retro-friends,
> a Gligor-Denkovski-Memorial-Tourney has been announced. It includes a 
> retros section which asks for orthodox proof games with switchback 
> manoeuvres (a theme which was often explored by Gligor). Being the 
> judge, I hope for interesting contributions!
> Links:
> http://www.matplus.net/start.php?px=1424410530&app=forum&act=posts&fid=tt&tid=1623&pid=13254 
> <https://3c.web.de/mail/client/dereferrer?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2F3c.web.de%2Fmail%2Fclient%2Fdereferrer%3FredirectUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.matplus.net%252Fstart.php%253Fpx%253D1424410530%2526app%253Dforum%2526act%253Dposts%2526fid%253Dtt%2526tid%253D1623%2526pid%253D13254>
> and
> http://www.matplus.net/pub/TMP2015Tys.pdf 
> <https://3c.web.de/mail/client/dereferrer?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2F3c.web.de%2Fmail%2Fclient%2Fdereferrer%3FredirectUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.matplus.net%252Fpub%252FTMP2015Tys.pdf>
> Best wishes,
> Bernd
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