[Retros] one man PGs

roberto osorio osorio.arg at gmail.com
Wed May 25 11:11:19 EDT 2016

Hi friends,

this is feasible with one more homebased piece (c2 pawn),

nnbqkbnr/p1pppppp/6B1/B2P1P2/3R2P1/4K3/B1PNP3/1R6  C+

 1. Pd2-d4   Pb7-b6     2. Fc1-d2   Pb6-b5     3. Fd2-a5   Pb5-b4
 4. Cb1-d2   Pb4-b3     5. Ta1-b1   Pb3xa2     6. Pb2-b4   Pa2-a1=C
 7. Pb4-b5   Ca1-b3     8. Pb5-b6   Cb3-c5     9. Pb6-b7   Cc5-e4
10. Pb7xa8=F Ce4-f6    11. Fa8-d5   Cf6-g4    12. Fd5-a2   Cg4xh2
13. Pd4-d5   Ch2-g4    14. Th1-h4   Cg4-e3    15. Th4-d4   Ce3xd1
16. Pf2-f4   Cd1-f2    17. Pg2-g4   Cf2-h3    18. Ff1-g2   Ch3xg1
19. Fg2-e4   Cg1-f3    20. Re1-f2   Cf3-e5    21. Fe4-g6   Ce5-c4
22. Pf4-f5   Cc4-b6    23. Rf2-e3   Cb6-a8

24.Rb6 does not improve the record, since this is 23 "one man" moves by
black (its is C+ anyway after 24.Rb6).

The idea that Noham presented before with a pendulum queen is nice, but it
s cooked shortly (the problem is the capture of the g8N).

The above is, as far as see, the one sided record with a visible promotee
on the board. Without this bonus, the recrod seems to be
the Nicolas' b8N long trip.


2016-05-25 9:34 GMT-03:00 Nicolas Dupont <Nicolas.Dupont at univ-lille1.fr>:

> SPG 23.5 C+
> 1.d4 b6 2.Bd2 b5 3.Ba5 b4 4.Nd2 b3 5.Rb1 bxa2 6.b4 a1=N
>> 7.b5 Nb3 8.b6 Nc5 9.b7 Ne4 10.bxa8=B Nef6 11.Bd5 Ng4
>> 12.Ba2 Nxh2 13.d5 Ng4 14.Rh4 Ne3 15.Rd4 Nxd1 16.f4 Nf2
>> 17.g4 Nh3 18.Bg2 Nxg1 19.Kf2 Nf3 20.Kg3 Ne5 21.Kh4 Nc4
>> 22.Kh5 Nb6 23.c4 Na8 24.Rb6
> Oh yes, thanks Goran. It becomes a record that might be quite hard to
> break, with moreover a nice diagram position.
> Nicolas.
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