[Retros] Retrograde corner site

Martin Skjöldebrand martin at skjoldebrand.org
Fri Jul 28 09:12:53 EDT 2017

Thank you both.

I am afraid I will disappoint you in say that they were not of my design, but a small series compiled from other sources to present retrograde analysis for a wider chess public.


For the little it is worth in this context the link is at:


and you will find the retros interspersed with other material on the FB page.


Best regards,


Martin S


Från: Alexander George [mailto:ageorge at amherst.edu] 
Skickat: den 28 juli 2017 14:30
Till: The Retrograde Analysis Mailing List <retros at janko.at>; 'Martin Skjöldebrand' <martin at skjoldebrand.org>
Ämne: RE: [Retros] Retrograde corner site


Dear Martin,


Following on Andrew’s offer, if you send me your link, I’d be happy to post it on ChessProblem.net <https://u4535214.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=D9qiPHyl3F3-2Bwm4QxGSiuPhddEMoQsqI-2BusLeiIT4R1KW42mB6-2BM1Qe3ItmdEnu5_3E-2BDZPaSFTrB36QXbhkUyIQxspSuppTRRH02Z8G3OPqk0nQAC0ZhOZlSk5eEBGzcpc9nToQDxt-2Bn98ZUPtyXU4s-2FmZTsb7pNmyCPfXE5304N51VBVLaQ5zNkPKyke9nMp8yHHGVO8nEfuiZdXcYSPs-2F4iU9DXqvKqBaBUZfKWD-2FwIlNuSK3ZYDkcJE5cmTHFzHCjyIMaPe0nUq457oVYyg-3D-3D> , which has a retros forum:








From: Retros [mailto:retros-bounces at janko.at] On Behalf Of andrew buchanan
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 11:57 PM
To: The Retrograde Analysis Mailing List <retros at janko.at <mailto:retros at janko.at> >
Subject: Re: [Retros] Retrograde corner site


Hi Martin,


Thanks for your email.


No-one seems to be responding here, so I thought I would step in, although I am not responsible for Retros Corner. It's a bit inactive these days for whatever reason. Community members are heavily engaged in offline composition and in publishing in magazines, but don't seem to chat as much here in the mailing list as before, although when a good theme is suggested, there can be a flurry of interest.


Can you send a link to your new puzzles in Facebook please? I would be happy to put them in pdb.dieschwalbe.de.



From: Martin Skjöldebrand <martin at skjoldebrand.org <mailto:martin at skjoldebrand.org> >
To: retros at janko.at <mailto:retros at janko.at>  
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 1:03 PM
Subject: [Retros] Retrograde corner site




I recently published a (very) short series of fairly basic retros on the Facebook page of the national championship in Sweden this year. In relation to this I visited the Retros corner and can’t avoid noticing the non-activity in the updates page. Is that site still active at all? Is anyone planning to update it in the near future?


Best regards,


Martin S




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