[Retros] ELM Records

roberto osorio osorio.arg at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 12:55:11 EDT 2018

Hi Otto,

ELM is "retro-twinning" asking for a twinning a) white to move, b) black to
move, a legal last move of the "same
nature" performed by the same pice type comparing a) with b) (equal in
every respect, for instance, SxB,
PxR=Q, e.p., etc)

Since the position has to be legal, it is not feasible to show a check or
mate (where the side performing the
last move is determined).

best wishes,

El vie., 7 sept. 2018 a las 8:24, Otto Janko (<otto at janko.at>) escribió:

> Dear Community,
> Definition of ELM problems according to the Retro Corner:
> »For each move type, e.g. plain moves, capturing moves, etc., find a
> twinning a) white to move, b) black to move a legal last move of the "same
> nature".«
> - Are a checking last move and a non-checking last move
>   of the »same nature«?
> - Are a mating last move and a non-mating last move
>   of the »same nature«?
> Is it worth to introduce checking/mating moves as new sub-category? If yes,
> is it worth to distiguish between direct check/mate and uncovered
> check/mate?
> ~ÔttÔ~
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