[Retros] Riface retro composing tourney

Alain BROBECKER abrobecker at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 7 09:35:34 EDT 2019

Dear retro-friends,
Time has come again for some happy gathering of problem enthusiasts in France,with solving and quick composing.
This year's theme:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Compose a retrograde analysis problem or a proof game (please verify that the last are C+)
with the  KnightMate condition (Bruce Zimov, 1972): Kings are replaced by royal kNights
while kNights are replaced by non royal Kings. So Kings can be captured and promotion to King is possible.

Only one problem per external composer (send to abrobecker at yahoo.com before sunday 18:00).
Collective judgment will be made by some R.I.F.A.C.E. participants.

Find the two "knightmate chess" games ending with 3... N?e8#
(Alain Brobecker & computer, Variant Chess 63, 2010/01)

1.Nd3 Nd6 2.Nb4 e6 3.d3 Ne8#
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.Nh4 e6 3.f3 Ne8# (switchback of the kNight)

Some more informations in the .pdf attached.
Happy composing

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