[Retros] Forthcoming quick composition tourney

Alain BROBECKER abrobecker at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 10 04:11:15 EDT 2020

Dear retro-friends,

After speaking with main organiser of the event, some corrections on the schedule, sorry for the inconvenience:

* The theme will be given saturday 10:00 (UTC +2) on several places, the RML of course, http://phenix-echecs.fr/ , Kotesovec's and Julia's websites... Some other composing tourney will be held (h#, fairies), I don't know yet how many and if they are also open to external composing, so check the given websites for more if interested.
* The limit date is postponed to monday 15:00 (UTC +2).

See you very soon! :-)

Alain Brobecker - http://abrobecker.free.fr/ 

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