[Retros] Retro composing tourney : Kamikaze and Rex Inclusive

Alain BROBECKER abrobecker at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 11 12:16:25 EDT 2020

Pascal Wassong asked:
>P0007627 by Günter Lauinger has solution Ng5-h7, but if kings
>can be in contact, the last white move could have been Kf7-g8,
>so there are several last moves possible.
>The stipulation of this problem is Rex Inclusiv.

The question/remark was also asked by other people.
Maybe in this two problems, Günter Lauinger, unlike what
is stipulated in the current tourney, didn't consider that
Kings can go one near the other?
(In this time of social distancing it sure can be surprising)

Also, if at one point you want the king to go one near the other,
not many programs allow to do that, but at least iNatch 0.6.2 by
Pascal Wassong in edit mode allows to place Kings nearby.

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