[Retros] solving in Dardilly - solutions and results

CAILLAUD Michel caillaud1957 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 08:10:06 EDT 2020


Here are the solutions and results.

Due to "exceptional times", some regular attenders (Laurent Riguet, Pierre
Tritten) that couldn't attend, were allowed to solve from home "in real
time", without being ranked.
Distribution of points was made beforehand, so that they could
It appears that those rightly deducing that castling was illegal in one
twin of 1, but doing the wrong guess, got less points than those giving 2
solutions 2 times...
Distribution of points would have been adapted in "normal times"...

Congratulations to Alain Brobecker who, for the first time, becomes French
Champion for solving retros!

Studying the results and comparing with runner-up Thierry Le Gleuher shows
that the SPG 6.0 by Jeff Coakley was the decisive problem for the title!

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