[Retros] Two original retroproblems from Stuttgarter Zeitung

keilhack at aol.com keilhack at aol.com
Mon Dec 27 03:06:53 EST 2021

Werner Keym, Urdruck Stuttgarter Zeitung

8/B7/k1P5/PpK5/8/1R6/2B5/8w - - 0 1
Mate in how many moves?
a) as given
b) without the 20 squares from d1 to h4
c) without the 40 squares from d1 to h8, meaning there is only the a- to c-file.

BerndSchwarzkopf, Urdruck Stuttgarter Zeitung

1r2K2r/1N5N/4k3/4p3/4B3/8/8/8w - - 0 1
Add a chessman, then helpmate in 3 moves - White begins and also mates. How many solutions?

Best, Harald Keilhack

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