[Retros] RIFACE: Retro composing tourney

Alain BROBECKER abrobecker at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 8 15:02:55 EDT 2021

Dear retro friends,

You can find the tourney announcement here:
http://abrobecker.free.fr/ThemeRetroRiface2021.pdfhttp://www.phenix-echecs.fr/Messigny/AFCE.phpand hopefully some other places...

Compose a retrograde analysis problem (a C+ proof game or a classical retro) with the "advantage game" condition:
one side has given a piece before the game. Castling with a ghost rook is not allowed in proof games (because not C+).

No other fairy condition, no Illegal Clusters or Retractors. Only one problem per external composer
(send to retro.riface2021 at gmail.com before sunday 11/07 at 15:00 (UTC+2)).
Please send if possible a diagram with stipulation, the Forsyth notation of the position as well as a detailed solution.

You have two example proof games and hints on how to make computer tests in the pdf file.

Happy composing,
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