[Retros] Troitzky masterwork no.1
Pascal Wassong
pascal.wassong at free.fr
Thu Jun 3 11:43:37 EDT 2021
retracting these moves lead to an illegal position, in the south-east
corner. The presence of the bNh1, blocked by wPf2 and g3, prevent the
wRh1 to return to its homesquare.
>>>>> "John" == John Tromp <john.tromp at gmail.com> writes:
John> I have a question about the solution at
John> https://www.janko.at/Retros/Masterworks/Solutions.htm#1
John> Why couldn't the last moves have been
John> d7xc6+ Kb5-a5 Bc8-g4 f2-f3 o-o-o f3xg4 Qh6-h5+ g4xh5
John> Rd8-d6 g3-g4 Rd6-h6 g4-g5 g7-g6 g5xh6 g6-g5
John> leaving white without a win?
John> regards, -John
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