[Retros] correction Champagne 2023

CAILLAUD Michel caillaud1957 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 11:07:39 EST 2024


Joost Michielsen cooked the 1st Prize of section A :
1.g3 e6 2.Fh3 Dg5! 3.d3 Fa3 4.Fxe6(e7) Ch6 5.Ch3 0-0 6.Fxf7 d6 7.0-0 Dd2
8.Rg2 Dxd1 9.Cd2 De1 10.Rg1 Dxf2 11.Cf3 Dxg3(g2) 12.hxg3(Dd8) Fe6 13.Ch2
Fxa2 14.Fb3
1.f4 e5 2.e3 Dg5 3.Fc4 Fa3 4.fxe5(e7) Ch6 5.Ch3 Dxe3(e2) 6.0-0 0-0 7.d3 Dd2
8.Fxf7 Dxd1 9.Cd2 De1 10.Cf3 Dg3 11.hxg3(Dd8) d6 12.e6 Fxe6 13.Ch2 Fxa2

So here is a new version of the award with a corrected version in place of
the incorrect one.

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