[Retros] Award Retros Die Schwalbe 1997
Joost de Heer
ildjarn666 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 26 13:19:04 EST 2002
In Die Schwalbe Heft 193, Jan-Feb 2002, the award for the informal
of Die Schwalbe 1997 was published. Judge was Anatoli Vasilenko.
Problems already present on the retro corner are given only with their FEN,
other ones (from special articles) are given with diagram + solution.
Alexander Kislyak
1st-2nd Prize ex aequo Die Schwalbe 1997
Correction of 2nd Prize Dr. L. Ceriani-memorial
7n/bp1P2pp/1p1pp1PR/2p3KR/1P5P/5pkq/3PPrNr/4BBQn (13+15)
Add a piece on f8, and release the position!
9650 - Andrei Frolkin
Die Schwalbe Heft 165, 06/1997
1st-2nd Prize eq aequo Die Schwalbe 1997
2Br1r2/p1pp1kb1/p1n2p1n/4p1qp/3P1B2/4P2b/PPP1NP2/RN1QKR2 (14+15)
SPG? (promotees in the diagram position are (a) allowed (b) forbidden)
9509 - Olli Heimo
Die Schwalbe Heft 163, 02/1997
3rd Prize Die Schwalbe 1997
1rb2qnk/1pRn2bp/5p2/8/2Q5/2P5/P2P1PP1/KNBN4 (11+10)
Proofgame in 18.5 moves
9575v - Andrei Kornilov
(original was in Die Schwalbe Heft 164, 04/1997, when was the correction
4th Prize Die Schwalbe 1997
2rqbB2/N1ppnRbr/PpPkPKPP/2pp1ppp/8/8/6P1/8 (10+15)
| | . |*R |*Q |*B | B | | . |
| N | |*P |*P |*N | R |*B |*R |
| P |*P | P |*K | P | K | P | P |
| . | |*P |*P | . |*P |*P |*P |
| | . | | . | | . | | . |
| . | | . | | . | | . | |
| | . | | . | | . | P | . |
| . | | . | | . | | . | |
Last 14 halfmoves?
9721v - Unto Heinonen
Die Schwalbe Heft 166, 08/1997
5th Prize Die Schwalbe 1997
3Q1rQ1/pp2npbp/r1p5/2k2bB1/3n4/4P3/PPp2PP1/RN1QK1NR (14+13)
Proof game in 17.0 moves (3wQ)
9864 - Johannes Quack
Die Schwalbe Heft 168, 12/1997
1st Honorable mention Die Schwalbe 1997
rB2R3/rp6/P7/5P2/1P3pP1/1P1k2NQ/1PN1bPPn/R3KBn1 (16+8)
r#2 (Reflex condition started at the beginning of the game)
9654 - Valeri Liskovets
Die Schwalbe Heft 165, 06/1997
2nd Honorable mention Die Schwalbe 1997
3k4/2N1N3/3K4/3R4/8/3R4/2r1r3/8 (5+3)
Mate in 3 pRA (RV) Retro-Volages
9651 - Unto Heinonen
Die Schwalbe Heft 165, 06/1997
3rd Honorable mention Die Schwalbe 1997
2k4r/pppnpp1p/5Q2/3p4/PPPPPPPP/q1r2bR1/1b1n4/BN2KBNR (16+15)
Proof game in 16.0 moves
9794 - Andrej Frolkin and S. N. Tkatschenko
Die Schwalbe Heft 167, 10/1997
4th Honorable mention Die Schwalbe 1997
1nBqkbn1/p1p1pp2/8/3p2p1/7B/7N/2PPPP2/QN1qK3 (10+12)
Proof game in 14.0 moves
9792 - Alexander Zolotarew
Die Schwalbe Heft 167, 10/1997
5th Honorable mention Die Schwalbe 1997
4n3/B1p1pp2/1p3p2/3p1K1p/3P2r1/3p1kQb/2P1NPRr/3BBNnR (12+14)
9725 - Klaus Wenda
Die Schwalbe Heft 166, 08/1997
6th Honorable mention Die Schwalbe 1997
2b5/6p1/1p3nkp/8/4b2K/1r6/1p4p1/5B2 (2+10)
Wh. and Bl. retract one move and then h#1, Frisch Auf Circe
9570 - Andrej Kornilow
Die Schwalbe Heft 164, 04/1997
Special honorable mention Die Schwalbe 1997
4N3/3N3n/1PPPPPP1/BpRQprr1/1pp2kpK/3p3B/3P2P1/8 (15+10)
#1 (Who?)
#17 - Alexander Kislyak
Die Schwalbe Heft 164, 04/1997 (page 56)
1st Commendation Die Schwalbe 1997
1n3r1b/1B1ppp1p/R4nPp/7Q/8/2P5/1PP2Pbq/2KR3k (10+12)
| |*N | | . | |*R | |*B |
| . | B | . |*P |*P |*P | . |*P |
| R | . | | . | |*N | P |*P |
| . | | . | | . | | . | Q |
| | . | | . | | . | | . |
| . | | P | | . | | . | |
| | P | P | . | | P |*B |*Q |
| . | | K | R | . | | . |*K |
Mate on the 20th move. Proofgame?
9577 - Andrej Frolkin
Die Schwalbe Heft 164, 04/1997
2nd Commendation Die Schwalbe 1997
1R6/p1pppnkr/p2r2pp/7q/7P/4P3/2PP2P1/RbBQK1N1 (11+13)
Proof game in 17.5 moves
9722 - Andrej Frolkin
Die Schwalbe Heft 166, 08/1997
3rd Commendation Die Schwalbe 1997
3rqkN1/1ppn1p2/2pbbp1n/88/pR1r4/PPPPPP1p/R1BQKBN1 (14+15)
Proof game in 18.5 moves
9795 - Unto Heinonen
Die Schwalbe Heft 167, 10/1997
4th Commendation Die Schwalbe 1997
r2qk3/p1ppp1bp/1Bn2p1p/N1p5/4n3/1PP2PP1/2PPP2P/3QK1NR (14+14)
Proof game in 18.0 moves
9797 - Gunter Jordan and Manfred Seidel
Die Schwalbe Heft 167, 10/1997
5th Commendation Die Schwalbe 1997
rnb1kb2/pppp1p2/8/4p1p1/6N1/7B/PPPqPP1r/NRBQ1RK1 (13+14)
Proof game in 9.0 moves (Madrasi)
9796 - Andrej Frolkin and S. I. Tkatschenko
Die Schwalbe Heft 167, 10/1997
Special commendation Die Schwalbe 1997
1Bb2bnr/pp1ppppp/6k1/4QR1R/1p4K1/1P1P1PPN/1P4P1/N7 (13+13)
Position after Black's 23rd move. Black played 19...b4! Result ?
9575v - Andrei Kornilov
-1. Bh8*Qg7 a5-a6 -2. Ra8-c8 a4-a5 -3. Qb8-d8 a3-a4 -4. Nc8-e7 Re7-f7 -5.
Bf7-e8 a2-a3 -6. Bg8-f7 Qf7-g7 -7. Rg7-h7 Qe8-f7 etc.
#17 - Alexander Kislyak
1. Nf3 c5 2. Nd4 cd4 3. Nc3 dc3 4. dc3 Nf6 5. Bh6 gh6 6. a4 Bg7 7. a5 O-O 8.
Bh8 9. ab7 Kg7 10. ba8=R Kg6 11. R8a7 Kf5 12. e4 Ke4 13. Qh5 Bb7 14. g4 Kf3
Ba6 Kg2 16. g5 Kh1 17. g6 Bg2 18. Bb7 Qc7 19. R7a6 Qh2 20. O-O-O#
Wartend auf einen schmerzlosen Tod [Dornen]
Die Flammen der Hölle sind nichts [Abigor]
Verglichen mit diesem Leben
Voll von wundenleckendem Licht
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