[Retros] SK41

liskov liskov at im.bas-net.by
Thu May 2 07:42:49 EDT 2002

Joost de Heer wrote:

> Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya 41

> 195 - D. Garipov

> 8/8/8/p7/N7/p7/kPK5/8 (3+3)

> Please correct me if the following is wrong:


> In case you wonder what these compositions are doing in a retro column: My

> interpretation is: "Scaccographia" (in which the position itself depicts

> something) is considered to be a special field of retro analysis in Russia.

> The above compositions are dedicated to "LIY": Liva Ivanovicha Yashina.

Indeed. This section was formely called 'RARE jenres'.

Ded. to Lev Ivanovich Yashin [a famous goalkeeper].

> 202 - A. Zolotarev

> Ded. 50th birthday A. Brezhunov

> Nq6/2pp1p2/2p2p2/2K1p3/rb2P3/b1k1p3/rRPNRP2/nB2B3 (10+14)


> Shortest route of the two queens?


> 203 - A. Kornilov

> Ded. 50th birthday A. Lobusov

> 8/8/2NBQPN1/2QQKQQ1/2PPPPN1/2QPKPP1/2NPPPP1/8 (25+0)


> Colour the pieces!

A white square (VL).

> 205 - F. Garde

> 4nnnn/1qk1qqqn/1bq1qkqn/4nqqn/8/5pp1/5pp1/8 (0+24)

> "Where is white?"

"A black square a la K.Malewitch." [or Malevich (VL)]

> [I'm not 100% sure of the translation of the stipulation of 202. Transcribed

> it reads something like "Kratshayshie marshruti dwuch ferzey"]


No 202 is ded. to 50th birthday of A. Brekhunov.

Author's name of No180, 228 and 235 (in other isssues) is Zheltukhov.

In No 231 I'm not absolutely sure that the stipulated "Invisible b. king"
means the same as "Add the black king".

Valery Liskovets

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