[Retros] En passant in Animal Chess

Bernd Gräfrath retromode at web.de
Sat Nov 24 09:12:01 EST 2007

Dear retro friends,

here is my 3rd problem in Animal Chess. Mario Richter has already checked it, and it is C+. (Many thanks, Mario!)

Bernd Gräfrath (Germany)

1. P P 2. P P 3. H+ P 4. PxP+ H 5. P P 6. H PxP+ 7. H P=A 8. PxH=A#.

The problem shows an en passant capture which hides behind a simple "PxP".

Solution: 1. c4 d5 2. c5 d4 3. Qa4+ b5 4. cxb6 e.p. Qd7 5. b7 d3 6. Kd1 dxe2+ 7. Kc2 e1R 8. bxc8R#.

Best wishes,


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