[Retros] Correction Re: Eric's off-topic idea
Noam Elkies
elkies at math.harvard.edu
Fri Sep 14 23:48:05 EDT 2012
I wrote:
> If Kings are not royal then maybe this attempt at a (S)PG11.0 works:
> www.janko.at/Retros/d.php?ff=rnb4n/pppprp1p/3bpp2/3R4/8/1P6/P1PPPPP1/RN1QKBN1
> 1 b3 e6 2 Bb2+ Qf6+ 3 Bxf6 gxf6 4 h4 Bd6 5 h5 Ne7 6 h6 0-0 7 Rh5 Re8
> (7...Kg7+? 8 hxg7#) 8 Rd5 Kg7+ 9 hxg7 Ng6 10 g8R! (g8Q#?) Re7 11 Rh8+ Nxh8
A bunch of minor errors here: 3 Bxf6 is check; the try 10 g8Q? is
check but not mate (10...Rxg8); and there's a fortuitous parallel try
10 g8N+? Nh8?? 11 Ne7 Rxe7.
(And if Kings *are* royal then maybe something like 6...b6 7 Rh5 Rg8+
8 Rg5 Rg7 9 hxg7 fxg5 10 g8N! (g8B+?) Kf8 11 g3 Kxg8.)
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